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Question about updating a variable after ajax filtering


Hello everyone, I'm changing the template default_row.php, where I add its id to the string class
<?php echo $this->_row->data->sbrh2_tabel_pers___id;?>
I noticed such a problem, after filtering data using ajax, the id remains from the old record and is not updated, how can I get the id after applying the filter? I also noticed that the id is not updated even after going to the next page.
And how to get the name of the column that is specified after the name of the table in the database, for example, sbrh2_tabel_pers___D1, How do I get D1? it is prescribed in default_row.php list style,
<?php echo $this->cellClass[$heading]['class']?>
Doesn't anyone really know how to get the id of the string after ajax is triggered? Please tell me, I have been looking for a solution for three days.
Hello everyone again, I could not solve the problem, how to get the id in the default_row template, can someone help?
It turned out to get the id after loading ajax, can you tell me how to add the result to the class in the row that this id belongs to?
requirejs(['fab/fabrik'], function(test) {
    Fabrik.addEvent('fabrik.list.update', function(list) {
        var data = list.options.data;
        // data is an array of groups, each group is an object of rows, each row has a data object, each data object has a  __pk_val item which will have the row id
        data.each(function (group) {
            group.each(function (row) {
                // do whatever you need with row.data.__pk_val
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This is not Fabrik but JS. Check your page source. I think the tr tag has id="list...row_X"

So remove your old class and add the new one