Question on Search


Anyone know what the status on search is?

I cannot get Joomla4 com_search to work, reading that is will be decoupled but nothing on the official extensions. And as far as I know we dont have a smart search plugin for Fabrik?
As far as I know J!4 only has smart search - and Fabrik (3) has not.

I think we didn't touch it at all (so the tab in list settings is still there but I assume linked to "nothing").

If you want to bring some light into it...?
Thanks for confirming Troester, I thought I missed something getting com_search to work.

I like the challenge, not sure when I'll get to it but I'll give it a shot.
I'd very much like to have the Fabrik search plugin working with com_search on J4. I have searching of content and Acymail email archive working well. The Fabrik plugin came across from J3 but when enabled creates an error that I have no idea how to fix.

I don't like Smart Search much and can't see what was wrong with com_search.

No sign of a com_search plugin for Kunena, which is disappointing.
As I'm preparing the relaunch of a site with J4/F4 and the decision was taken to include a lot of content in fabrik lists, there is the need to have a working search. As fabrik has no finder plugin, I tried the approach of the joomla forum thread (thanks @troester for the link) to include com_search in J4.
Basic steps for fabrik search plugin to work:
  • Install the zip-package from here
  • Create with phpMyAdmin the missing table #_core_log_searches with the two fields search_term (varchar(128) utf8mb4_unicode:ci) and hits (int(10) unsigned (Attribute) Standard 0)
  • Copy access.xml from J3\administrator\components\com_search to the same path in J4
  • Copy route.php from J3\components\com_content\helpers to the same path in J4 (this file is needed by fabrik...)
  • Copy from J3 com_search*, mod_search* and and plg_search* language files to J4 (language and administrator\language folders). I'm not sure, if they need to be renamed (remove language prefix) or if they will work with the original prefix...I removed the prefix.
What I still need to do is to adjust the search result list (e.g. remove 'created on', as this doesn't apply for fabrik results)
But in general it works.
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Just discovered: even if the search is functional, I get a warning on pages, where the search modul and a newsflash module are active:
Warning: Cannot declare class contenthelperroute, because the name is already in use in /var/www/vhosts/sitename/libraries/loader.php on line 568
This warning is appearing in the newsflash module.
I changed the code in plugins\search\fabrik\fabrik.php


This now seems to solve the warning, even if I have no real clue, why ??? Perhaps someone can answer...?? Maybe a dependency with the added route.php
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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