reCaptcha issue


Hey guys,

I'm trying to troubleshoot an issue that has suddenly come up (might be post J! 3.8.13 update).

It seems if a user does not fill in all fields filled and validation fails, IF I also have reCaptcha (Invisible) enabled, the forms simply does an ajax validation (loader shows) even though Ajax validation is disabled and then it returns the form without telling the user which fields are missing.

Disabling the reCaptcha element makes it all work fine again.

I updated from Github this morning after discovering the issue, but it still persists.

*edit, hmm, actually not sure if this is due to reCaptcha. Just went back to one of the forms where I had reCaptcha disabled now and I still don't get the warning telling me I missed some fields. Also, it does not redirect, just goes back to the same form as if nothing happened.
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Hi Hugh. I realise you're busy, but just wanted to follow up on this. Was there anything obvious that popped out to you?

I have several other sites with the same issue if you want to check them too.
I've never really tried it any other way. Don't know of a different way to get a form up in that position.

Just thought of something. I also use ModulesAnywhere plugin by Regularlabs to get it there. Helix3 by itself doesn't display it properly at all.
Basically, I need to be able to replicate this behavior, and at the moment, i can't. Need to figure out what it is, specifically, about the way you are deploying these forms that does this.

-- hugh
I've entered access to this site in my profile for you.

In pagebuilder pages, I have a J! module add-on and then use the shortcode for ModulesAnywhere to display the Fabrik form module.

On regular pages it's just the straightforward Fabrik module.
It's on my personal details page where it asks for that info.
I can't figure out how to get back to that place where I entered the bitcoin site info. Just end up on 404's.
It seems to be a caching issue: if I add any URL param I see the error messages.
Do you have Joomla caching on?
What is mod_pagespeed?
Do you have JS compression/caching?
Joomla caching yes.
mod_pagespeed is an Apache Module by Google to help improve PageSpeed: (I only have this on this one site, so won't explain why I have the same issues on all my sites)
JS compression, not on this site, but yes, PageSpeed does that. I do have it on on the other sites, yes. I rely heavily on SEO and speed is a big issue, especially with all the scripts loading with Fabrik and Joomla and Helix3 framework.
I also use ModulesAnywhere plugin by Regularlabs to get it there. Helix3 by itself doesn't display it properly at all.
Maybe there are some more cachings on this way.
Can you turn caching off (and clear cache) and see if this helps?

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