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Records do not display in list


Greetings Robbie, Hugh, Rob, et al!
My Fabrik List does not display the records in the list table on initial view. I've checked the database connection in Fabrik and it is successful. The table name for the form is correct and it does exist in the database and there are more than 2,000 records in the table. I have one filter defined and when I type in the data in the filter, it does show the record. But nothing displays in in the list when the page loads initially.
I've attached a screencapture of the List/Details/Filters in case that is where the problem lies.
What else could be causing this problem?
Thanks in advance for your assistance.


  • ece_filters.png
    47.1 KB · Views: 61
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How is "does not display" looking? A "no data" message?
Does it display after "Clear filters"?
Frontend and/or backend?
Did you enable "Required" in your element's filter settings?
How do you call the list: menu item (Reset filters=yes?), content plugin, module...?
Hey Troester -- Frontend Display via a Menu Item: It only shows the column headings. Nothing in the table below. Under where the table would have been it shows the Display records pulldown, and next to it the Total amount of record, which initially is zero. If I search for an MPI number in the filter, it will display that specific record and Total will show "1". Interestingly, if at that point I click on the Clear Filters link, it kicks me out to the Home page. Filters are not Required.


  • elrc_fabrik_list_frontend.png
    24.3 KB · Views: 61
It says "Please select all required filters", so it seems you've set it to be required. If it's not the general setting in list settings it must be in the element setting (List view settings/Filters).
Excellent! Yes, that was it. I went to one element which was being used as a filter (an ID number) and indeed, in its List View Settings/Filters the Required field was set to "Yes". Thank so much, Troester!