• Joomla 5.1

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Repeating Groups to one list (table) from multiple lists (tables)


New Member
I have several tables that are joined, with repeating groups and all seem to be working fine.

However, I just set up several tables that are all joined to the same table (a master address list) on the same element and now, when I make the master address list a repeating group from the different lists, it doesn't seem to want to let me add multiple addresses from the joined lists?

What happens is - when I click on the plus sign, it does nothing. I can add the first grouped record and it seems to add to the other table fine, but when I try to add a second group by clicking the plus sign from any joined table, it does nothing.

Does anyone know if perhaps I've just screwed up the setup, or is there something in Fabrik that prevents having repeating groups in multiple lists/tables that will add records to a single list/table?
I think you should post here some screenshot(s) of your list setup(s) and perhaps also joined group setup(s). Normally it doesnt matter how many lists are using same table for joined data. What you can't do, it' s two or more list joins to the same table within one list.