search error


Active Member
on, enter a search term in the search box (like 'cox') and press enter.

you'll get the following sql error (1064) that i can't seem to get rid of...
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DISTINCT `sf_lead`.`id` AS __pk_val0, `sf_lead_campaign`.`id` AS __pk_val1 FROM ' at line 1 SQL=SELECT DISTINCT `sf_activity`.`id` AS __pk_val0, DISTINCT `sf_lead`.`id` AS __pk_val0, `sf_lead_campaign`.`id` AS __pk_val1 FROM `sf_activity` LEFT JOIN `jos_users` AS `jos_users` ON `jos_users`.`id` = `sf_activity`.`user` LEFT JOIN `sf_lead` AS `sf_lead` ON `sf_lead`.`id` = `sf_activity`.`lead_id` ORDER BY `sf_lead`.`lead_quality_score` DESC
This one should also be fixed now. We weren't clearing down the previous search list model so it was merging info from the previous list with the next list to search
it's returning results now, but not the correct ones. if you search for anything ('rob' for example), it returns the same 10 leads no matter what you search for (which are the first 10 shown on the leads list coincidentally?).

i think i have the leads table turned on for joomla search but no other tables are included in the search.

(note the search limit on the fabrik search plugin is set for '50', so not sure where the 10 is coming from)
this one should be ok now as well. There was a bug where if you hadn't selected any elements to be included in the search all then the joomla search plugin would included all records from that list.

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