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Send message to users group



i have a dbjoin element "status" that have options ( received, waiting payment, payment done)
i need when waiting payment selected , so sent a message to user group of "accounting" and another email send to the customer tells that u need to pay the status is waiting payment, and when the "payment done" selected so sent to user group " sales" to tell that customer paid and handle the reservation??
Are you using any payment processing plugin, such as the Paypal one? I believe this has email message capabilities for each status if I am not mistaken.
Add one or multiple form email plugin, use "email to (eval)" and/or "send to group(s)" and/or "condition" (for which email plugin to activate).
thanks for your help troester , i tried whats in this article, actually i have a dbjoin element in the form , i need to send to user groups according to the options in the dbjoin element when changes ? for example : when the dbjoin element which called "status" changed to the value ( waiting payment ) so email sent to "accounting user groups " ? how i implement that pleaze , from email val option or conditional send option and what the code . thanks
i tried to use "email to (eval)" but email not sent and i made sure also from joomla email sending configuration and i use mandrill as well !

i cant figure out how to use condition sending !

i have a radiobutton element need to sent an email to specific user group when user set a specific value ??

can someone please advise ??

please can someone help me on this urgently , i tried to do it but the email not sent to user group ? please help ?
even when i select in email form plugin setting "send to users group" i receive in the form a notice message "Could not send email to ....." ??
i tested the email smtp setting for joomla on global configuration !! any advise please ?