Sending new entry via email - benchmark?


after few month without Fabrik, recently I'm going to make another project with that great component.

I've read few posts on this forum about sending email by Fabrik. I noticed that Fabrik uses Joomla! core functionality to do that task.

So here comes my question: did anybody try to send few houndreds or even thousands emails in 'end phase of form sending' ?
(Of course I can try to do it on my own, but I don't want to put my brand new server on the blackmail list).

Lets say, that we've got announcement service, that should send info about new entry to every user interested in some category.

Should we still use Fabrik to that task or maybye it would be better to integrate (write) own plugin for Fabrik that will use 3rd part component?
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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