Show element data in J! module with AJAX



First of all .. Fabrik 3.2. really rocks :) , this component should be awarded for nobel price.

I am building a form to create/build a custom product (and then offer to order it). User is suppose to enter width, height and various other attributes (this attributes are selected with check boxes, radio buttons etc).

All this attributes have a price, which are then calculated dynamicaly in the element FINAL PRICE using AJAX.

Can I insert element FINAL PRICE in a module and show price dynamically. I created a custom html module, then I added:

{fabrik view=element list=1 element=my_table___final_price}

But It seems that final price is not dynamically shown.

Is it possible to show price in the module dynamically?

Thank you
You may want to try using the Fabrik CALC element to calculate the price instead of the Joomla custom html module... docs are here and it supports AJAX calculations. It may also be doable via the J! custom html module, but not sure how you would update it using that and that's not even really a Fabrik thing other than the fact you are using the content plugin for display.

You may want to try using the Fabrik CALC element to calculate the price instead of the Joomla custom html module... docs are here and it supports AJAX calculations. It may also be doable via the J! custom html module, but not sure how you would update it using that and that's not even really a Fabrik thing other than the fact you are using the content plugin for display.


Thank you for your answer.

I already use Fabrik Calc element in the Form which calculates the final price. I just thought that elements in content plugins are also "AJAXabile" :)

I will explain what I need. I have a form (multi-page form - 3 pages) which is divided into 3 groups. I need to display the FINAL_PRICE (now in group 1) on each page of multipage form - sort of checkout process.

I thought of using groups, but don't know if possible to display one group in each page of multi-page form? Any ideas?

Best Regards.
Well... if I understand what you want, you could use 3 elements (one of each page) that does the same thing and put one in each group (an element can only belong to one group - but you can have more than one copy of the "same" element). Multi-page form can be split on group (put the page break BEFORE each group, so the 1st one will not need one). There is also the tabbed form option (just change the form template to the tabbed one) in which each group is on it's own tab. You could also add a button or something then put each group on it's own form and have the buttons redirect between them.

In theory any of those should be doable via the content plugin, but there are a few flaky scenarios with repeating groups and some things in the content plugins.
