Show Image in Module


Active Member
Hello, after search in forum and no luck i like to ask for advise,

I have and Image Element that i like to show as a module in joomla, but that image can change depending the user,

I search the fabrik content wiki, but alway use specific row, so how can i use dynamic code?

thanks for any advise
You can use the rowid=-1 feature. Should it be editable or a details view?
you can use the Fabrik form module with "Row id"=-1 and "Use key" =your-userid-element

Or a custom module with content plugin and "Option"/Prepare content=yes
{fabrik view=form id=X rowid=-1 usekey=your-userid-element}

If you only want to show the image you can use
{fabrik view=details id=X rowid=-1 usekey=your-userid-element}
or a list with prefilter
your-userid-element EQUALS {$my->id}