Show list filters in PDF output


Is there any way of showing the list filters in the pdf output? I want the pdf to show, above the list, the filters and their values. I tried digging into the template (using a copy of the default bootstrap template), but am having no luck getting it to work. Anyone know how to do this?
Still have not got this to work. I can get the filter table to show up, with the 'apply' button, and the remove filter link etc., but the actual filters themselves do not load and display. Anyone who can help me?

For now I've found a workaround: As the pdf is created from a form (with a redirect plugin to the list applying filters and format=pdf through the url) I simply pass the filter info again via the url (say filter1=value1&filter2=value2) and use these variables in the format. Not exactly pretty, but it works
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