Show values from databasejoin element depending on other database joine element


i have two database join elements 1- Booking status ( have values : open, onhold, closed , etc )
2- booking order ( have values : open, onhold, closed , etc ) , i need to make : if the status is "onhold" so the available booking order is "open" only and so on for other values , some values shown from booking order element depending on values from booking status ?
You'd need to do that in some custom Javascript, running on the 'change' and 'load' event for the status element, which disabled/enabled the options in the order dropdown.

-- hugh
i did the predefined event javascript in status element , but what to make to equal which value , i cant figure it out , whether it shows element or group in the options but i dont know what to do , the action and the element ?
I have two lists : 1- booking status 2- booking order
in the booking status list , i created dbjoin element "booking order id" .
in booking status list from backend , i created each booking status associated with its booking order , etc ( "onhold " status associated with "open" order , and etc different for others )

but when i have a form which i created a dbjoin element to booking status list , then created cascadingdropdown element for the booking order to show the orders only related to each status .. it doesnt work well ?? why ??
i dont think a cascading dropdown is going to work here.
I would do as Hugh suggests and do this with some js.
What JS did you try?
i tried on change event , to show booking order according booking status , as specific value of order depends on specific values of status , but really i cant figure it out ? can u help me ?

I set it on change : when element booking_status == "1", show element booking_order .

but i dont need it to show the element , i need it to show specific values depending on the values of status ? ?
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Yes, that's what I said you would have to do in my first reply. There's no built in code to do it, you'll need to write the code to enable and disable options on the order select, in a function in a form_X.js file, and trigger that from the change event of the status element.

The only way we can help beyond that advice is write the code for you, which isn't something we can afford to do on a standard sub.


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