Showing element above list

Hi guys,

I have a list (listA) with a link button that opens another list (listB) with related data. I would like to show some elements from listA above listB to identify where it came from, like


etc. I pass the jobnumber to listB as parameter on the URL so when listB opens I know what row in listA it is referring to and can fetch the information in php when the list loads.

But how can I show it in the list intro? Ideas?

Best regards,
Use Sourcerer (from Regular Labs) to embed some code in the list intro.

$input = JFactory::getDocument()->input;
$jobNumber = $input->get('mytable___jobnumber', '');
if (!empty($jobNumber)) {
   $myDb = JFactory::getDbo();
   $myQuery = $myDb->getQuery(true);
   $myQuery->select('*')->from('mytable')->where('jobnumber = ' . $myDb->quote($jobNumber));
   $job = $myDb->loadObject();
   echo $jobNumber . '/' . $job->jobdescription;

Obviously change table name and fields to suit.

-- hugh