Since last Joomla update: jUser bug?


Hi everyone,
as you can see on this page:

i have set up a fabrik & joomla user registration. It worked fabulous until the Joomla
update from yesterday.
If i keep jUser published the registration fails. Once you press the SUBMIT button absolutely
nothing happens. When i turn jUser off the data is saved inside the LIST but not synced with
the joomla user table.

In the jUser plugin i have set up all corresponding fields to match, apart of BLOCK and GROUP field.
I have deactivated all Bypass stuff and the default user group is REGISTERED.

Hope this is of any help to you.
Thanks in advance,
Ok, so for what i have read about the new joomla update i think that the jUser plugin interfers with the Joomla 2pass registration.
Could that be? Any suggestions how to manage that? At the moment i am thinking about turning the sync with the Joomla User
Table OFF and only save the registrations at my manually via Fabrik created tables - but i am sure that this would bring some
negative side effects when working with other modules who need the Joomla user data inside the Joomla CMS, right?
Here we go. Thanks Rob for your time!
I am at this very moment updating from the latest Github. I have to update again as i have seen that someone of you have
updated the plugins folder 8 minutes ago, so i am going to download the whole githup zip again and upload the plugins folder.
will keep you updated about if the latest github made the error dissapear.


  • juser-setup-for-rob.jpg
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I can confirm that since the last github update everying now ROCKS again :)
thanks a lot for your efford and time ppl!
Hmm, I get "Some parts of your form have not been correctly filled in" (nearly invisible...) on top
But no element marked

I can't see any email element (which is necessary)
Some of the checkbox elements are getting an additional "Array" label

Do you have error reporting set to max?
Troester thanks for your hints.
The main problem was the E-Mail fault i had. I wanted to have a registration where people do not have to worry about any data
that someone might not want to use for a registration at a page and i absolutely forgot that this is elementary for the jUser plugin
to work with.

Thanks again and sorry for my dumbness ;)