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(SOLVED)direct access using url shows 403 error call stack


Active Member
-- Migration to Joomla 5 and Fabrik 4 --

Hello i have a Calc Element that creates a URL to access a form directly, this was working ok on joomla 3, after update i get and error if i try to access, i check permisions, etc all seems to be ok y try to access other forms same error, when access direct, not a problem if access by menu.


403 You don't have permission to access this. Please contact a website administrator if this is incorrect.​


Thanks for any help
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Do just get the error or the details view + the error?

Did you try in your calc element to display the details view ( /index.php?option=com_fabrik&view=details&formid=55&rowid=10 )?
yes i did just try same result, any form or view that i try to access by URL i get same error...
i just install new clean fabrik + joomla, no issues there, cant find the issue on the update one :(
Code says
@throws \Exception When you are not authorised to view the home page menu item
So I assume you (logged in?) are not authorised to view the Home menu (maybe you've set it for guests only?) and you don't set any other menu item in your link.
Yes i am sure i am logged in, like i said before this was working on the old version before the upgrate, i dont know if the ACL of joomla change or fabrik
Code says

So I assume you (logged in?) are not authorised to view the Home menu (maybe you've set it for guests only?) and you don't set any other menu item in your link.
probably is something related to menu security, but there is no menu in the link, maybe the template keep investigating
but there is no menu in the link
Yes. And it seems you are not allowed to access the home menu.
Are you running a multi-language site?
Maybe you have to add some parameters to your link (e.g. Itemid and/or lang)
yes is multilingual, the home menu is set to guess, to hide it after login, i will set it to public, to test and look for extra parameteres thanks,

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