*SOLVED* Fileupload element used for pdf files?


I have a form to manage our customers.
Adress, phone numbers...
Now i've tried to use the fileupload element for uploading and managing customer related pdf files.
The upload works. The subfolders were only for a short moment visible :-(
When I have more than one file to a customer, only the last uploaded is shown.
Is the fileupload element the right way for my plan? Where is the bug in my form? Any idea?
Thank's a lot
Can you post your fileupload setup (screeshots)?

What do you mean with "more than one file"?
A simple fileupload element is for just one file. If you want to handle multiple files you must enable ajax file upload (or use a repeat group).
"When I have more than one file related to a customer, only the last uploaded is shown." related was the lost word.
Thank you troester, I did understand how to upload with ajax. My issue seems not to be about the upload,
but to display more than one file. Maybe it's not the function of the fileupload element?
I've made a new list only with the fileupload element and a name (calc) element. This would satisfy me when I can link from the Adressform to the related files.


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I assume this server can't handle blanks in file/folder names.

The simple fileupload element is just for one file. Doing a new upload is overriding the record entry. The old files are still on the server as long as you don't "delete" them explicitly, but not longer linked to the record.
So if you want to have multiple files related to one record (customer) use ajax fileupload or create an additional group set to repeat and move the simple fileupload into it.
Stupid me, the upload of screenshots in my posting is working.

It was a misunderstanding by me in the function of the fileupload element.
I'll try with an additional group. I have no experience in repeat groups yet. A new challenge.

Thank you troester for the quick answer.