[Solved] Image Upload Broken: Javascript Issues



I'm having issues with the rendering of the image upload in the frontend. The preview and delete button doesn't display for images being uploaded.

See links
.1 Wright Framework::: http://meetajosh.com/wright

.2 Protostar:::: http://meetajosh.com/wright?tp=1&templateStyle=7 The image upload work ok in Joomla's default protostar template but breaks in Wright Framework.

In Protostar:
There are two buttons and a progress bar after the filename of the image being uploaded
In My Template: The buttons disappear.
I spoke with the template framework developers and they said Fabrik is not loading the required javascript necessary for it to run correctly.

How do I rectify this?
Not sure why they would say it was Javascript, it's nothing to do with JS, it's just the icons. They seem to be using a kind of hybrid Font Awesome / IcoMoon naming convention for icons, and for whatever reason, icon-remove / icon-remove-sign isn't working.

Just to be clear. Icon names are not standard across frameworks. So anything that uses icons is totally framework / template dependent. Out-0f-box we use the standard names that J! ships with it's version of Bootstrap (IcoMoon). And, as Beate mentioned, we provide a set of layout overrides for other frameworks. For example, most other frameworks / templates use Font Awesome, where icons are named fa-whatever (rather than icon-whatever) ... but your template has a 'font awesome' CSS file that uses icon-whatever names, but doesn't include the standard set that J! ships.

So it's not really a case of "Fabrik doesn't do something right", it's that this template uses a non-standard icon set.

Sorry to go on about this, but it kinda irritates me when template developers ship a non-standard icon set, then blame other extensions for it. :)

-- hugh
I understand you clearly. Its obviously not a JavaScript issue. I guess there were too lazy to dig dipper than the surface inspection that seemed like the script didn't load whatever.

PS: After adding the fix. I noticed the zoom and rotate sliders are now missing. I also cant access the crop square in the preview window(although the initial crop window wasn't as functional as the one in protostar). I removed the modifications I added and it still remained the same, cleared cache e.t.c. I'll post here if the issue refuses to leave

I'm not happy with that window, and will be doing some work on it soon, including making it optional as to whether it pops up after the upload.

-- hugh
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