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[SOLVED] Problem with a DATABASEJOIN element

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New Member
Hi everyone,

Thanks for all help I?m always having here!

I created I from containing 1 databasejoin element. When I test the form, it works fine. It searches the data I need and I can select it as seen in the pic:

However, even though the information is selected, when I save the form there is no data saved in this field as can be seen in the figure (see second field in the form):
2 Field is blank.png

Does anyone have any idea of what do I have to do to make the selected information to be saved in the field?

Thank you very much one more time!
Actually, it looks like only the dash is saved... can you paste the screen(s) where you set up the join? That is what will show what should be saved...
Thank you for your attention genyded!

These are the screens:
Add option in front end.pngAdvanced.pngData - Where.pngData.pngdatabasejoin.pngLayout.pngPlease Select.png

We could see the DASH before because I was using a CONCAT LABEL, but I changed the setting to use just a LABEL to see if this change would make it work, but it didn?t.

Thank you very much!
What versions of Joomla and Farbik are you using? What Joomla template? Can you go into the global configuration and turn on debugging & set error reporting to maximum? If so do any related errors come up?

I?m using Joomla 3.3.3, template protostar (the default) for Fabrik lists, forms, etc.

I?ve set the debugging mode to the maximum and I added I new record to my list in Fabrik and the only message I got was:


However it stays the same. I doesn?t record anything in the datajoin element field.

Thank you for your help! Any other idea?
Does it work in the backend (Admin)? If you add another test dbjoin does that one work? Are there any filters or custom code anywhere? If you can/want to pass a link to the site, I can take a look.

As genyded says: is it working in the backend
Is it working if you use the standard render as dropdown instead of autocomplete?
May be a JS issue.

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Hi, Good morning all!

Thanks for your time to answer my question and help me!

I just found what was going on! In the DATABASEJOIN element, in the tab DATA, the VALUE selected was not the ID [Recommended].

I was using a different VALUE and eve though it was unique, it was not working. As I changed this setting, it started working.

Thank you all one more time!
I?m slowly learning how to use Fabrik, I hope I can soon start helping others.
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