SQL interrupted


New Member

I've got a table (2500 enreg.) with a multi select dropdown (10 enreg).
In admin when i view data i've got the following :

getData:Query execution was interrupted SQL=SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS DISTINCT `morceaux`.`id` AS `morceaux___id`, `morceaux`.`id` AS `morceaux___id_raw`, `morceaux`.`date_time` AS `morceaux___date_time`, `morceaux`.`date_time` AS `morceaux___date_time_raw`, `morceaux`.`titre` AS `morceaux___titre`, `morceaux`.`titre` AS `morceaux___titre_raw`, `morceaux`.`annee` AS `morceaux___annee_raw`, `annees`.`annee` AS `morceaux___annee`, `morceaux`.`genre` AS `morceaux___genre_raw`, `genres`.`libelle` AS `morceaux___genre`, `morceaux`.`artiste` AS `morceaux___artiste_raw`, `artistes`.`nom` AS `morceaux___artiste`, `morceaux`.`difficulte` AS `morceaux___difficulte_raw`, `difficulte`.`difficulte` AS `morceaux___difficulte`, `morceaux`.`fichier` AS `morceaux___fichier`, `morceaux`.`fichier` AS `morceaux___fichier_raw`, `morceaux`.`duree` AS `morceaux___duree`, `morceaux`.`duree` AS `morceaux___duree_raw`, `morceaux`.`debut` AS `morceaux___debut`, `morceaux`.`debut` AS `morceaux___debut_raw`, (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(playlistes.nom SEPARATOR '//..*..//') FROM morceaux_repeat_playlistes LEFT JOIN playlistes ON playlistes.id = morceaux_repeat_playlistes.playlistes WHERE morceaux_repeat_playlistes.parent_id = `morceaux`.`id`) AS morceaux_repeat_playlistes___playlistes, (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(id SEPARATOR '//..*..//') FROM morceaux_repeat_playlistes WHERE parent_id = `morceaux`.`id`) AS `morceaux_repeat_playlistes___playlistes_raw`, (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(playlistes SEPARATOR '//..*..//') FROM morceaux_repeat_playlistes WHERE morceaux_repeat_playlistes.parent_id = `morceaux`.`id`) AS morceaux_repeat_playlistes___playlistes_id, (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(params SEPARATOR '//..*..//') FROM morceaux_repeat_playlistes WHERE parent_id = `morceaux`.`id`) AS `morceaux_repeat_playlistes___params`, `morceaux`.`id` AS slug , `morceaux`.`id` AS `__pk_val` FROM `morceaux` LEFT JOIN `genres` AS `genres` ON `genres`.`id` = `morceaux`.`genre` LEFT JOIN `artistes` AS `artistes` ON `artistes`.`id` = `morceaux`.`artiste` LEFT JOIN `difficulte` AS `difficulte` ON `difficulte`.`difficulte` = `morceaux`.`difficulte` LEFT JOIN `annees` AS `annees` ON `annees`.`annee` = `morceaux`.`annee` LIMIT 0, 10

The SQL request works OK in Mysql Admin.

Any idea ?

best regards
Could you post some more details? Release, Github Version, mysql version, enviroment, (windows \ linux), anything that you can think of that would be useful. :)
Here they are :

Joomla : 2.5.1
Fabrik Version : 3.0.6
Server : Linux
PHP : 5.2.17
MySQL : 5.5

best regards
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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