Success message when submitting form doesn't show

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New Member
I have a form set up for a price quote, when I submit it, it is supposed to display the success message that I have put into the form processing settings as seen here:


Instead it just keeps redirecting to the home page.
This succes message is the one that the Ajax validation returns upon success.
If you want a custom succes message upon submitting a form, you need to add a redirect plugin to the form.
You should however have the default message "Record added/edited succesfully" showing up, except if your home page has the Joomla messages disabled (in the site template or via CSS).
This succes message is the one that the Ajax validation returns upon success.
If you want a custom succes message upon submitting a form, you need to add a redirect plugin to the form.
You should however have the default message "Record added/edited succesfully" showing up, except if your home page has the Joomla messages disabled (in the site template or via CSS).

I did at one point have the record updated notification, but as of recently it has not been showing up, I figured maybe it was update related or I messed with something on the site, I had however forgotten about the redirect, I'll give that a go.

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