Tabbed list layout

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I have a list of people. Added a calc element to return the 1st letter of their name to get an alpha register.

First of all: the tipp of the list->details->layout-> tab field says: Select the field to use for tab titles in tabbed list templates. Is the bootstrap layout such a list template? ( I can only select bootstrap or div). In the J3 wiki there is no description (at least I didn't see) for this setting.

Second: I selected bootstrap and the letter field in list settings->layout->tabfield.

Result: I only see the 'All' tab and a '-' tab. In addition I get following warnings:

Warning: Undefined variable $item in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 12337

Warning: Attempt to read property "id" on null in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 12337
calc element in general:
Filters are pulling directly from the database, so calc is working correctly only if set to "only calc on save"=yes (and if there are existing records all values are manually filled by saving each record or doing it directly in the database).

Tabbed list filter:
This was included in the form tab layout which has changed and so it's not longer working for list tabs.

Can you test:

Add the extracted fabrik-list-tabs.php to

and change
components\com_fabrik\views\list\tmpl\bootstrap\default_tabs.php line 10

The list tabs code is pretty complex. I'll have a look about the warning.


    556 bytes · Views: 240
In advance: I seem to have a problem with the caching of my website and therefore I need to wait some time to see the result of some code changes (even if I delete browser and Joomla cache..).

With the proposed changes the tabbed list layout is working as expected, even if with the tabs I don't need the filter section above the list. Probably I do some changes to the css to hide it.

Regarding the warning messages: now I get an additional warning message:
Warning: Undefined property: stdClass::$class in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 12378
This line is displayed 0 to many times, varying if I select an different tabs. In addition: the warning messages appear, even if I disable debugging at all ond only disapear, if I set Joomlas error reporting to none. Shouldn't warnings be hidden when error reporting is set to standard?
Warnings are coming from J!error reporting level (max= all including deprecated; simple = error + warnings, without notices; System Default depends on your server php.ini settings)
see e.g. for setting your own level

list.php line 12378: if (isset($data->class) && strpos($data->class, 'active') !== false)
list.php line 12337: $context = 'com_'.$package.$menu.'list'.$listId; (remove $item->id. )

The filter showing up in the filter block (readonly if this element is not set as list filter) isusual Fabrik, same as in F3.
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