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Taking J2Store for a spin, need some guidance

Sorry if this is a stupid question, but those numbers are just random numbers you made up for now hey? What happens to my record_id from my fabrik list? Should I use that somewhere?
com_fabrik.143: 143 = Fabrik listId
11: your recordId
simple: the j2store type (only simple or download are supported by Fabrik;
30: price (whatever, I assume it can be empty, too)
1111-2: sku (this must exist, unique for the import, you can take the record id)
Ok schweet, thanks. It's starting to look simpler now.

I still need to figure out how I'm going to do the product_type part. Basically, they'll be buying the info making up the record. Not a physical product, neither a download.
I now have an associate working with me on this project and we decided to ask for a quote. Please be on the lookout for our enquiry!
Yeah, I'm out this week. Driving to Salt Lake City, via the Grand Canyon, and back via Yellowstone,for my son's graduation about 4000 miles. Back early next week.


Ah damn Hugh, with that kind of site seeing along the way, 4000 miles must be a breeze!

Thanks Robbie, I just replied.
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I'm back, got home around midnight last night ... 7 days, 15 states, 2900 miles. Moving slow today, and it'll take a day or two to get caught up, then I can work on this for you.

I'll talk to @mediaateam about it. Did you give her full details of what you need?

-- hugh
OK, I read what you sent her, but not sure exactly what you need me to do, certainly not enough to give any kind of meaningful estimate, so maybe expand on your immediate requirements here.

-- hugh
Ok cool. I might have tried to go into too much detail and did not explain myself properly.

I've got a website in the renewable energy industry which provides leads to a supplier. So my quote/lead gen form is setup and currently operational.

The leads are sent to the supplier as soon as they are submitted. This model does not seem to be working so well, so now I want to go one step further.

I want to make the leads available for sale. So, supplier logs in, sees a list of leads (I have already created the leads list page) and can then either:
- add them to some kind of cart, or
- tick off what he wants and then checkout and directly pay for them.

As per this thread, I've been playing with J2Store, but am now stuck as you can see above.

Another issue I can foresee is, once they purchase the leads, how do I get the complete info for each lead to them (contact info is not displayed in the list, only important details regarding the quote request)? Obviously having to mail them manually every time would be a big pain in the butt.

- Maybe using the downloadable product could be an option, but some kind of PDF, or Spreadsheet would need to be created for download.
- Or, maybe once they're paid for, a list of the leads the supplier purchased could be displayed somewhere with an export to PDF or spreadsheet option? (CSV's won't work for these kind of clients)

That's the basics. All the rest about notifying suppliers of leads in their service area and so on, I could probably figure out myself.

I thought support pricing was still the same as in the past and maybe we could just pay for a pro sub or whatever the case may be. It's a little different now, so I'll bash it out myself where I can. But the J2Store stuff is a bit over my head.
I thought support pricing was still the same as in the past

Ah. I thought I'd been pretty clear since we moved to the new site, that we no longer do "all you can eat" subs, and are working on an hourly rate. Like any US consultancy company, our "burn rate" means I need to earn about $100/hour when I'm doing client work, bare minimum, to break even (remembering that with all the unpaid work involved in the background just maintaining Fabrik, I have a limited number of hours a week I can use for client work). So an old Pro sub equated to about 45 minutes of work. Whereas what you need is probably half a day or a whole day. And obviously I can't work for ... lemme do the math ... about $9/hour, which is what a whole day on the old Pro sub worked out at. If I wanted to earn minimum wage, I'd be wearing a paper hat and asking if you want fries with that. ;)

-- hugh
AS I said, as a freelancer/wannabe web entrepreneur, I get it. $9/h is joke. Almost sounds like you were living in South Africa!
So you reckon 4-8 hours then at $100/h?
I'm not sure, because I'm still not entirely clear what you need me to do. It seems like you are currently trying to import products into j2store, but the only usage of Fabrik's plugin I'm familiar with is where Fabrik is the data source for the product. Which seems like what you need to do, with each "lead" being a product?

-- hugh
Yes, each lead is a product. I added the fields as per the instructions in the wiki, but due to the list already existing I need to export it, populate the J2Store fields as per troester's instruction, then import it. But then there is the complication with J2Store's product_source field hard coded to set the records to com_content as opposed to com_fabrik, and the ID's, and... This is where I get lost and my brain starts hurting.

You then mentioned this, "Someone could try talking me into writing an import plugin. Shouldn't be too hard, we've got the free j2store import tool as an example". Which would be awesome of course.

And then I need some way of providing the client with the complete info of the records he purchased.

I'm not sure if I'm explaining it properly. Or maybe I just don't understand it and the functionality already exists, and I just don't know how to configure it?

I can send you two URLs privately which might immediately make it clear what I'm trying to accomplish?