Templates of Fabrik

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You're welcome to develop and share new templates with the community.

Thank you for welcoming!) I'm not a template-maker, sorry. I've just asked about plans of Fabrik, and I didn't see answer on my question in your post. If Fabrik team have not such plans, how much does it costs per template? possible there are other users who can be interesting and we can share expenses
Templates are very much a matter of taste (so I personally would never use a template as in your second example).
You can adapt the different basic templates by adding custom CSS.
Templates are very much a matter of taste (so I personally would never use a template as in your second example).
You can adapt the different basic templates by adding custom CSS.

Totally agree - this is a matter of taste - and you can find a lot of other examples in the J! extensions directory, which is more close to you.

As for CSS - any links for details how to do it?

And my question about price is still in power - possibly there are community members who can make template and can say for what money.
For adding custom CSS and cloning templates see

Firefox with firebug is a good tool to examine the CSS classes you need to modify (and to modify for testing on the fly).

There's a forum
Help Wanted
This forum is for posting requests for paid work.

but I don't think it's frequented very much.
Posting in the silver forum it probably no good idea because "normal" users won't see it if looking for recent posts and they can't answer on silver threads.
I'm working on making a Bootstrap template for when Joomal 3 is released, and modifying our mark-up to match that expected by bootstrap.

These changes will defer the styling to the Joomla template (as long as itself is a bootstrap template) which will give a consistent look across your site and accross all components that implement bootstrap. There's a work in progress demo of it here:


I've added a couple of bootstrap css alternatives from bootswatch.com just to give an idea of some quick changes that can be made to the style

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