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Timestamp question


I haven't managed to make timestamp (dates) to work as expected.

I want the earlier timestamp to be shown in the form (or Fabrik list), but after the form is saved (updated) the actual timestamp should be saved instead. I manage to make the options work separately, but not at the same time. What settings should I have for the date element?
Select timestamp as the element type, and tick the update on edit box and it works...
and will show the last updated time in the list view.

There does seem to be a bug in that I can't make the timestamp element visible in a form!!! Just checking with the debugger before reporting..

see thread #155965
Where to find the element plugin? I don't have timestamp in the element plugin list. At Fabrik download page I just find timestamp plugin for v2.
Never mind. If you are on F2 it is easier to use date-time instead. Set to visible, always update etc.

If you are on F3 timestamp is a 'built in' element if you update from github BUT which will show last updated time in list but not form view.

Which version are you on?
The 'timestamp' element uses the MySQL TIMESTAMP data type, which has some rather quirky behavior.

-- hugh
Sorry, I don't understand if I need a Fabrik "timestamp" element plugin, I don't have any or can find any.

I'm using yesterdays version from github F3.
Matt - if you are on F3 you should have a timestamp option listed in the element drop down selection box.

If it is not there check that all your fabrik plugins etc are enabled/published and check everything in. may also be worth running an update/discover cycle to make sure joomla sees everything it should.
A stupid question!

I found many many Fabrik "things" in the discovery list, even Fabrik component. Should I install all?

A stupid question!

I found many many Fabrik "things" in the discovery list, even Fabrik component. Should I install all?


Well I guess if you want to use them you ought to install them...

Have a google for the 'update to F3 guide' which gives some hints and tips on how to make sure you have updated,checked,purged,installed, etc....

...but basically Yes.
Timestamp don't work at my host with UNIX-servers. Timestamp is showing only zero's.

My host servers are UNIX and this works ok. Have you enabled the element, cleared the cache, and check-in for everything Matt?

I would create a test list with just three fields, create a record, and look at the data with phpmyadmin to see what gets stored in the database...

The settings in the image below work for me every time, on UNIX?



  • timestamp.png
    9.8 KB · Views: 205
Thanks nickbunyan, you convinced me that it can work. After some tweaking in phpMyAdmin with the db table it works for me to. It?s sad the time isn't shown in forms.
Matt. The timestamp is 'designed' not to be editable, so it doesn't show in forms by default.

If, like me you want to show a 'this was last updated on blah blah ' field, you can do it like the screenshot attached using a calc.

Obviously change the element names to the ones in your list...

EDIT - I have made it slightly more 'sophisticated'... when creating a new record it says New Record instead of showing a blank field...

$timeshow = '{your-tablename___updated}';
if ($timeshow == '') {
return 'New Record';}
else {
return $timeshow;};


  • timestamp2.png
    18.2 KB · Views: 220
If, like me you want to show a 'this was last updated on blah blah ' field, you can do it like the screenshot attached using a calc.

That information would have been useful in your other post!
Hi Felix.

Implied slap on the wrist accepted... I have not been keeping up to date 'cos of too much else going on. Will try and tidy up my threads tomorrow :)

Matt. Please close this thread if you have got it working, and see longer explanation in thread #29710 if you need to. ciao.