tooltip issue

If you can provide details of the other issue here, hopefully Hugh will take a look at both of them together.
Helix Ultimate (BS4, what should be the goal),

Ah, BS4. Nope, Fabrik 3.x knows nothing about BS4. I'm working on that for J! 4.0 and Fabrik 4.0, but haven't looked at it for 3.x.

So I suspect the reason you are seeing this issue even in non-AJAX situations is, in our tip handling ...

            if (Fabrik.bootstrapVersion('modal') === '3.x' || typeof(Materialize) === 'object') {
                // We should override any Fabrik3 custom tip settings with bootstrap3 data-foo attributes in JLayouts
                this.elements = document.getElements(elements);
                this.elements.each(function (trigger) {
                    jQuery(trigger).popover({html: true});

... we're only checking for 3.x, not 4.x. So for 4.x, it'll be taking the 2.x code path.

I'm downloading a copy of Helix Ultimate RC3, and I guess I'll create a set of bs4 overrides and staret working on those.


Although hopefully they shouldn't require too much work, most of the changes are incremental, the same basic grid system is the same, which was the main pain in the ass between bs3 and bs3.

-- hugh

When I update my local testsite via github (zip-file, copy all the files over the site, refresh cache and discover) I have no tooltips any more, the google map is gone and the fullcalandar doesn't show anymore...

The site is the latest joomla, Fabrik 3.8.1 and Helix III (Helix Ultimate also installed but not used)


It's all working fine for me, in Helix III and Helix Ultimate.

Are there any JS errors in the dev tools console when you load the page?

Can I access the site?

-- hugh

I did try it again this morning with a new download of Github and have the same result.

I did already once an update after you adapted the fullcalendar to make it possible to do the overrides and that worked then (locally and I did not take a backup of that) but now after the other changes I have this problems

On a page with tooltips, I don't get any tooltip
On my page with a list and a googlemap I only see the list. There is a button to show the details that doen't react also
On my page with the calendar I only see the title and legend

I have this js error on the fabrik pages:
SCRIPT5007: Unable to get property 'VERSION' of undefined or null reference fabrik.js (2,439)

On a page with tiptools I get also an html warning:
HTML1423: De begintag heeft niet de juiste vorm. Kenmerken moet van elkaar worden gescheiden door een witruimte. profiel (284,13)
translated: The start tag does not have the right shape. Characteristics should be separated from each other by a white space.

and when I follow the link I see:
<input type="text"id="bc_leden___naam"name="bc_leden___naam"size="35"maxlength="255"class="input-xlarge form-control fabrikinput inputbox text"placeholder="uw familienaam"value="" />

For the moment I have it only on a local machine.

Many thanks in advance,

OK, well that narrows down the problem. Is this in Helix III?

I really need to get at your test site in order to see what's going on, as I can't replicate the problem. Do you have a router you could temporarily use port forwarding on?

-- hugh

Yes all in Helix III (Helix ultimate is also installed but not used for the moment.

I have put the site online, you find the info under 'MySites'. There you have both the sites.
This is just a testsite to try-out the things so don't look at the general layout and menu (only via the hamburgermenu)

Many thanks in advance,

OK ... it's your 'mod_bt_login' plugin, which is overriding the 'modal' function in jQuery, shadowing the normal Bootstrap one. And when detecting Bootstrap version, we use the 'modal' function as the one we look for the version string of.

It's a long story ... basically, there's no way of detecting the overall Bootstrap version in JS ... Bootstrap is actually a collection of modules, each of which has it's own version string. So to detect BS version, you have to pick a module to look at ... and every build of Bootstrap can be custom, and may or may not include a given module / feature set ... and one of the few which is pretty much guaranteed to be there is 'modal'.

Hmmm. I guess what I can do is check to see if jQuery.fn['modal'].Constructor exists, and if not, fall back to something else, like 'tooltip', and try that.

I'll commit something as soon as I have a fix.

-- hugh
Thanks hugh,

It seems to work now, and I also changed the login module to be sure to.

I have still one strange thing now with the popup on the locaties page. (That was already so before
When I click the button to open the modal the page itself shrinks and changes. I seems that it resets all the template CSS...

When you see the 2 screenshots, they are taken from approximatly the same surface. You see that under the popup, the list is a lot smaller and the colors from some lines are vanished.

Any ideas?



  • Locaties_1.png
    75.6 KB · Views: 19
  • Locaties_2.png
    49.3 KB · Views: 18
Hmmm. For some reason, the default J! bootstrap CSS is getting loaded when the popup loads. If you bring up dev tools (ctrl-shift-I in Chrome) and look in the Network tab, then do a details view, you'll see the "1?tmpl=component&ajax=1&format=partial", and if you look in the response tab for that, you'll find ...

      <link rel="stylesheet" href="/media/jui/css/bootstrap.min.css" type="text/css" />

... which is overriding the Helix III bootstrap CSS.

And I honestly don't know why that's getting loaded. Doesn't happen on my Helix III test sites. And Fabrik just doesn't do that. We pretty much assume the presence of Bootstrap, but we never load the CSS, that's up to the template. We do call J!'s behavior.bootstrap, but that only loads the JS.

So I'm about 98.583% sure it's something in your setup which is doing it.

-- hugh

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