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unexpected message on field validation error

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FabriKant d'applications web

using tab template, I get an unexpected message (" opts="{notice:true}">) prior to the yellow triangle saying the field has an error (see screenshot item #1).

Also the field part is not aligned with the label (see screenshot item #2). I have to add the following in the custom css. Shouldn't it be included in the regular css ?
#form_16 #group48 .fabrikLabel {
    float: left;
is this with Joomla 3.x or 2.5 - is it the bootstrap_tab template if its Joomla 3.x?
Using J2.5 with the regular beez template so far. Forgot to say that there is a regex validation plugin on this field. Looks like I forgot also to include the screenshot....


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ahhh I think that may be to do with us not dealing correctly with the ' " ' in the error message, could you confirm you don't get the issue, if you remove the quotes from the error message?
Yes indeed, I confirm. The strange "message" does no longer appear. I can live with that if your have more urgent threads...
However, the validation fails even if the text is correctly keyd in. Here is my regex :


Which intent to be 34-12 or "omnidir".

the "isemail" validation fails also on what it is supposed to be a regular mail.....See screenshots. Was working on 2.11. Any new behavior on these ones ?


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Yes indeed, I confirm. The strange "message" does no longer appear. I can live with that if your have more urgent threads...
However, the validation fails even if the text is correctly keyd in. Here is my regex :


Which intent to be 34-12 or "omnidir".

the "isemail" validation fails also on what it is supposed to be a regular mail.....See screenshots. Was working on 2.11. Any new behavior on these ones ?


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is there a particular reason you are using joomla 2.5 with fabrik 3.1, its not a combination I test a lot, I just set it up and i see that there are a lot of issues which are not present if you use joomla 3.1.
ah well you are posting in the Fabrik3.1 forum - hence my confusion!
I think I've fixed the quote issue.
I'm no good with regex, but a simple test of
failed the validation if I enter 'abc', and succeeds if I enter '123', so perhaps there is something specific in your regex you need to look at altering.

I tested the email validation and that seems to be working as well.

Does your form use ajax validations? If so are you getting a js error which might be stopping them from working correctly?
Also, I think your regex is wrong, you shouldn't be escaping that vertical bar. Try:


-- hugh
Thanks to both of you as the regex needed also some tuneup ! Email validation is now working as expected also. This thread is Closed.
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