Unwanted list heading buttons when Hide checkbox selected

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I have a number of lists in which I need to prevent multi-row deletion and also multi-row plugin operations. This is easily done by selecting “Hide checkbox” in the Details:Links section of the form design. Unfortunately, the delete and other plugin buttons still appear in the list heading; clicking one produces an error dialog, stating that a row must be selected – which is of course not possible.

As I could not think of any reason for the buttons to appear when the checkboxes are hidden, I decided to look and see if I could find a means of removing them. Had I realised how complicated the code is I would probably not have started, but having done so, did not want to give up. After several failures, I found code in the function actionHeading() in list.php where a small modification seemed to do the trick.

At line 7316, the code is:
if (empty($headingButtons))
    $aTableHeadings['fabrik_actions'] = '';
    if ($this->actionMethod() == 'dropdown')
        $align = $params->get('checkboxLocation', 'end') == 'end' ? 'right' : 'left';
        $aTableHeadings['fabrik_actions'] = FabrikHelperHTML::bootStrapDropDown($headingButtons, $align);
        $aTableHeadings['fabrik_actions'] = FabrikHelperHTML::bootStrapButtonGroup($headingButtons);
This creates a <th> section in the HTML, either containing the buttons or empty if there are none.

I modified the initial test, based on the code that hides the checkbox in function addCheckBox(), replacing:
if (empty($headingButtons))
$hidecheckbox = $params->get('hidecheckbox', '0');
if (empty($headingButtons) || $hidecheckbox == '1' || !$this->canSelectRows())
As far as I can tell, this has no unfortunate side effects, but the code is very complex so I would appreciate the opinions of those with greater knowledge of Fabrik.
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