Uploading multiple files and images


I have a list/form that has 4 File upload boxes. The first one seems to work fine and shows the uploaded image.

The other three are formatted the same as the first one, except obviously they have unique element names.

I do not see the additional uploaded images in the data, just the first one. List > View Data

The images are being stored in the image folder that I specified.
I've got three simple upload elements on my Upload Torture Test form, which also has a number of AJAX uploads, and two repeat groups with more uploads in them, and I'm unable to provoke the problem you are describing.

I'll need to get logged in to your site to see what's going on.

Can you either find me on Skype ('cheesegrits'), or PM me all the details I'll need to get in to the backend on your site, and see the problem.

-- hugh
OK, I'm logged in, assuming the form is "Vendors" as it's the only one with multiple upload elements. But I'll need to know a front end 'vendor' login, so I can test the form, and the front end link to use if it isn't obvious once I'm logged in on the front end.

PM those details, please.

-- hugh
Sorry for the delay, I've asked Hugh to send me the details as well. He's moving house soon so has a little less time for support than usual this week
OK, the problem was simply that you had some of the upload elements with "Show media in form" set to No.

I set those to "Cropped, then thumbnail, then full sized", and all four elements are now showing their images on the form.

-- hugh
Thanks Hugh. I did actually figure that out, just forgot to post back. I'm wondering though if I should set the images/captions up as a group somehow because I'd really like to use the slideshow element to show the images per vendor application. Groups unfortunately still elude my brain...I've watched the video several times and I'm just not getting it.

Any pointers on how I could create that visualization or create the needed groups?
I'll go through the procedure here, as to be honest I'm a little rusty on the slideshow element, it's something I wrote a while back for a specific site, and haven't used in a while.

Bump if you haven't heard back from me in a day. I'm in the middle of moving house at the moment, things are a little crazy.

-- hugh
If I remember correctly the Slideshow Vis doesn't currently cater for the AJAX fileupload. (Which I think is the whole table join thing).
Are we talking about the slideshow viz, or the element? I'm thinking it must be the viz, as I don't think the element made it into f3?

-- hugh
Slideshow viz.... Basically I want to be able to take the pictures my vendors upload and then display them so they can be voted on by a jury.

But it only lets me select one of the pictures, not all of them uploaded by the vendors.
Yup, that's going to be an issue, as the viz only lets you select a single element.

Would having four slideshows on the same page, one for each of the four elements, work?

I think using the content plugin on an article page, and some filtering, we could arrange it so clicking a link on the main List would take you to a page with the slideshows for just that submission.

Might need to add a little code to the slideshow viz, but nothing serious.

-- hugh

If you want to catch me on Skype, we can take a look at your site, and you can explain your "vision" for how you want this to work. I can think of several approaches, but I really need to understand better how you want this to work.

-- hugh
Felix is close...
Here's what I have for what the client wants:
Ability to view unapproved applicants and their uploaded images, preferably in a slideshow
Need to see Category, Name of Applicant, Images, and Descriptions for images

As for the actual Jury form, I think I can set that up since I probably only need to have
Juror Category (select from drop-down list) Winner (select from applicants in that category ??Cascade drop down??)

Hugh I'll try to get hold of you on skype. The jury part of this is not as important as getting payments set up and setting up some of the front-end displays.

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