validation isgreaterorlessthan for date element



I would like to validate a date element.
The date selected in the form should be greater than today.
I tried typing now() in the Condition box into isgreaterorlessthan validation, but it doesn't work.
What can I write in order to have dates greater than the day where the form is filled?
the isgreater or less than validation compares one element's value against anothers. So in this case you should have another date element to store the current date, say its called 'today'
Then in your existing element's validation compare its against the Element = today.

There is no need to use the condition field in this case. For all validations the condition code ONLY decides if the validation is run or not. In no way does it validate anything itself.
i try me too to use this validation plugin but without result...
I have an element "submission date" (setting is "today") and i would to compare this element with another date (where i checked the isgraterorlessthen plugin)
Where i'm doing wrong?
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