Weird behaviour of some databasejoin elements in back end

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I'm testing an app upgraded from J3F3 to J4F4 in a staging site.
Joomla 4.2.9
Fabrik 4G3
Debug is off

Some of my databasejoin CHILD elements are exhibiting strange behaviour in the administrator site: if I click on the element name to open it, there is no reference to the original element it is a child of. It displays "Element is a child of:" and the link below says "Edit". Refreshing the page does not help. If I click the "Edit" link I am presented with a new empty element. However, if I click to unlink and edit the element, the correct element is displayed.

This only applies to certain child elements and it happens every time I select those same elements, it's not random. I can't see any difference between the child elements which do this and the child elements which don't, even when they are children of the same element. The front end is not affected, it just seems to be a display problem in the back end.

Moreover, I now see this same behaviour in the original J3F3 site, which is also running PHP8.1.18 which makes me think it's caused by the PHP version.

As everything seems to work OK, it's not a major problem, but I wondered whether anyone else has come across this?

Does the parent element exist?

The "Edit: xy" will (try to) open and edit the parent element. If this was deleted it will open a new element.

"unlink and edit" will edit the child element (and unlink it from the parent).

You may also have a "grandchild".

In F3 it should show you some comment and the ids of the children resp. the id of the parent if hovering over the parent/child icon (in F4 you can find it as ALT text in the page source).

Maybe here you can see a difference between the elements behaving differently.
@troester, what a genius you are! That was absolutely the problem. The original parent had been deleted and replaced. Thank you!

One more quick question: I noticed that one of my form names is displaying strangely in the Groups and Elements lists when using the Filter Options. It is titled "Treasurer's List 2" but displays in the Form dropdown as "Treasurer's :List 2". I assume #039 is the apostrophe symbol but what is making it display like this? It displays correctly in J3F3.
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