What's wrong with the creator's of Fabrik


Please stop making judgement calls if you dont know about the person. I did not say i wanted everything for free. I have been in contact with Robbie numerous times on subscribing for full support and was told that the support no longer exists. Like some of us, i too have offered to finance development but was turned down because the owners were more interested in consulting for full development of solutions. I have many times said how wonderful this product is and stated what is lacking. I have been in the IT industry long enough to know nothing comes free. I am not a fool. Obviously, i am chatting with a person who lacks professional maturity and lets his personal emotions run away.

You have made some uncalled-for name-calling, not me. None of my comments were specific to anyone in particular. I dont need your offer for any service. You volunteered, i didnt ask you. You can shut the door for all I care. I dont apologise to anyone who has makes poor judgement calls. Once you have come to terms and gotten hold of your emotions, please read post #14 above.

So if you cannot help just stay out.
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Well, I'm no native English but as far as I know calling software "left to rot" and developers "losers" is nor respectful nor fair and surely won't encourage anybody to help.
But such discussions are pretty useless.
I totally understand the developers. This is not simple component. It's an application constructor that pushes J! beyont its typical CMS role and I am happy the developers patiently supported us for free all these years. Thank you!

Also I would like to refresh an old suggestion to them to focus on wordpress as there is not any similar plugin over there. It is a pain to use custom endpoints of wp REST API, custom post types and custom fields to manually build an interface in wordpress by exhanging json data. I have never used the - anually payable - toolset plugin so I don't know how it compares to Fabrik.

Thanks again!
Fabrik is a great, powerful tool!
Hugh and Rob are legends!
Troester and Robbie Amazing!
Community support here is fantastic!
I appreciate everything that everyone has done here to help me and others.
murugappan I feel your comments are rude and ill judged.
One thing I find reassuring from this thread is that the management teams seem to have figured a way to make enough income from Fabrik to insure it continues. If they need it to run their business then it will keep going and expand. With this reassurance of it continuing the Tutorial aspect can always be worked on by the Fabrik community and management.
I noticed that updates and forum seem to be coming in. A few weeks ago I downloaded the latest updates. For the moment i am using Fabrik as a designer tool for CRUD. I am also using a Joomla extension from Regular Labs called sourcerer. This one helps me create real web pages within Joomla. Great stuff.

I sure like to use Fabrika for purpose like datatables. Love to see these improvements:
(1) export and import functions to make migration between instance easier
(2) in the form of MVC model
(3) CRUDs using datatables.
(4) Video tutorials

Great news.
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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