where clause not working for front end dbjoin options


Active Member
Is there any reason why the "where" clause does not work for the front end lookup list option? It shows ALL the records, not the records it should return via the "where" clause.

It works correctly for the normal dropdown list adjacent to the button, ie, returns the correct records in the dropdown combobox.

Anyhow I can debug this?, ie : show the sql of the lookup front options list to check.

The form selected is correct as I can add new options in the correct list

I can't see how we can really apply that option to the list directly.
A work around would be to clone the list add a prefilter to the list and then use it's form as the db join's 'popup form' option
that is what I tried as a last resort..... I have cloned the lookup list into another list with a prefilter that is the same as my dbjoin "where" clause, and it's form, and use this form in the dbjoin options.

But it looks like the list is not applying the prefilter. If it did, then it would work OK for me.

Perhaps the prefilter is not being applied when the list is shown in the popup window.

This is working on my site.
Did you check if the prefilter is applied if you are displaying the cloned list directly?
hi troester, yes it is.

I have just updated from git after rob fixed something else on the width options for this lookup facility, and it now seems to be working correctly, so I will monitor it so see if it is stable.

Thanks for your trouble to reply.

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