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  • Global Options​

    The global options can be accessed from any Fabrik administration list view, by pressing the 'options' button.


    • Enable big selects - If you have lots of view joins and / or huge numbers of Elements, you may see MySQL errors complaining about needing SQL_BIG_SELECTS enabled. Only enable this option if you get see such an error. This option also raises GROUP_CONCAT_MAX_LEN to 10k, which may be required if you use things like AJAX upload Elements with lots of files.
    • Google Maps API key - Recommended to fill in to avoid rate limiting on Google Static Maps.
    • Google Business client-id - Optional Google business ID.
    • Google Business signing-key - Required if you fill in the Google Business Client id.
    • Unpublish cloned elements - Cloned Elements are created when copying a list or adding an element to a list which has a copy. When set to 'yes' copied Elements are unpublished, when set to 'no' the source element's published state is kept



    • Alter filed types- If no selected then Fabrik will not alter this database field's types or names, when saving Elements.
      • If yes selected then Fabrik will update your database structure to assure maximum compatibility
      • If 'add new fields' selected then existing fields will not be modified but new fields can be added
    • Filter data - Define what data to show in filters when rendered as a dropdown or range. If 'Show table data' selected then only values entered in this element's column will be shown in the filter. If 'Show all' then all possible options will be shown (applies to 'list' type Elements such as checkboxes, radiobuttons, database joins).
    • Enable single ordering - Can be over-ridden on a per table basis. Single-ordering will reset any other column ordering when ordering a column
    • Use elements as related data - If yes selected user Elements will be listed in the table's related data section
    • Show PDF button - Global show pdf option - can be overwritten in the list's settings
    • Render buttons as - Determines how the edit/view/delete and plugin buttons are rendered



    Default Element Plugins for different database field types

    When you create new list on existing database table then also new Elements are automatically created. The type of each element is depending on which type is the corresponding field in this db table. If any db field type name below shows hover description, then, if possible, consider to follow the suggestions that is wrote there. Anyway - change the defaults only when you know exactly what and why you are doing.



    • Spoof check on form submission - defaults to 'yes' You should always leave this as 'yes' unless you really know why! Turning it off will allow content to be submitted to the Fabrik engine from outside the Joomla site.This is depreciated - you should set this setting when editing each individual form
    • Use WYSIWYG editor for element labels - The default value is no. If yes selected then when you edit an element, its label field is rendered as a WYSIWYG text editor. This allows you to format your labels with HTML (and is also useful if you want to use the Display text element with HTML formatted text)
    • Show print button - Global show print option, can be overwritten in the form's settings
    • Show email button - Global show email button option, can be overwritten in the form's settings
    • Show PDF button - Global option, can be overwritten in the form's settings
    • Error icon - the Bootstrap icon class to apply to the form's main error message



    • Use mediabox instead of slimbox - this determines which Javascript library to use for the light box effects that are used by the upload element when in the table view. A light box effect shows a in-page popup window containing the required media. Media box has the advantage of being able to show flash, video etc but requires mootools 1.2 to be selected for the mootools version
    • Display style for media box - what theme to use to style the media box modal
    • Include lightbox js - determines if the lightbox js code will be loaded in the form and listview.
    • Hover tip fx - what motion to apply to the hover tip fx - Joomla2.5 only
    • Fx ease - how the fx should ease in - - Joomla2.5 only
    • Fx duration - how long the hover tip fx should last - - Joomla2.5 only
    • Fx distance - how far the tip should be from its target - - Joomla2.5 only
    • Fx fade in - should the tip fade in - - Joomla2.5 only



    • Allow fabrikDebug - if set to yes then you can append:
      • '&fabrikdebug=1' ('?fabrikdebug=1' if there are no other URL params) to your front end URL's to output debug information about what Fabrik is doing, turn this option off on a live site. Set to 'Debug JS' to load the uncompressed js files.
      • '&fabrikdebug=2' to stop the form redirecting on form submission - this is useful for profiling slow form submissions.

    Sh404 SEF​


    Todo ....



    Standard Joomla access controls defining access level roles