In your form templates,
Elements are rendered in the sub template default_group.php
Is an array of element objects, keyed on the element name.
By default the default_group.php sub template loops over the element's and renders them all out.
Often in a custom template we want to get a specific element, so if I wanted to access the element named 'age' I could do:
$ageElement = $this->Elements['age'];
Each element is an object with a series of properties:
- plugin - the element's plugin e.g. 'field'
- id - Unique reference, e.g. 'tablename___name'
- element - the HTML field e.g. <input .... />
- label_raw - the label as plain text
- label - the label text wrapped in its <label/> tag
- value - the value assigned to the element
- error - any error message generated from a fail Validation
- column (fabrik 3.0 only) css used to build group columns
To output the element's value we can write this PHP: