Cannot Email attachments with S3 storage.


New Member
I am new to Fabrik and Joomla and my coding is limited.
Using fileupload to load documents to the database and the email plugin on forms to send the documents to clients.
When set to the local file system the documents are attached to the email
When using Amazon S3 storage - I get the email but no attachments
I cannot see anything on the site to indicate why it should be different.
There are no error messages
The document is successfully stored on the S3 storage and linked to the record.

Any help would be appreciated
Joomla! 3.4.1
Fabrik 3
Yeah, at the moment email attaching only works for the local storage option. I just had a look at the code and it'd take an hour or two's work to make it work for S3.

-- hugh
BTW, in order to email S3 files, they have to be copied back from S3 to a local temporary file. So it may slow down submission if you have large files.

-- hugh
Sorry for the delay in installing - our admin team are very busy.
The plugin has been installed and we are getting the following error message

[Wed Sep 02 14:18:28.651911 2015] [:error] [pid 6642] [client] PHP Fatal error: Cannot use object of type stdClass as array in /var/app/current/plugins/fabrik_element/fileupload/layouts/fileupload-widget.php on line 4, referer: http://....

You advice would be appreciated.
Are you sure you uploaded the entire github?

I checked the code, and the error you are seeing could only happen if you haven't updated all files, and you have a mix of old and new.

-- hugh
Hi Hugh
Sorry for the slow payment but the $100 should be on its way to your PayPal account.
Hi Hugh, I'm wondering if this was implemented successfully? Just tried it but ran into a bit of trouble.
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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