Search results

  1. C

    PHP Form Plugin don't work

    Hello, I've this PHP Form Plugin (Frontend and Backend , Modify, onAfterProcess) : defined('_JEXEC') or die(); $publie = $formModel->formData['publie']; $id = $formModel->formData['id']; if ($publie == 0) { $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $query = $db->getQuery(true); $query->clear()...
  2. C

    Problem with geocoding

    Hello, I'm using plugin element googlemap : geocoding from an element adress. Any item is geocoded. The map (vizualisation) placed all items in London. The items are located in France. I give you all elements in my sites (second one). Best Regards
  3. C

    Question about search filter on list

    Hello, Is it possible to have a search filter on a list which has been build on different fields on list ? For example : the search filter has the value : 0 / No Filter 1 / Value1 it filters with this condition : field1 >0 or field2 > 0 or field3 >0 2 / Value2 it filters with this condition ...
  4. C

    Problem with select navigation by 100 on list

    Hello, I've got a problem on a website for one list. Weh I select lst by 25, 30, 50 that's ok. When I select 100, I've gt a blank page and it's nt possible to go back. The page leaves blank. I can send the url in a private conversation. Best Regards
  5. C

    Module list Custom Template not displayed

    Hello, I've got a problem with my module list. The list appears with default template and not my custom template. I've tried all options for the module : no choice for template, my custom template, default parameters. In the list, the custom template is set by default. I can send url in a...
  6. C

    Cascading Dropdown

    Hello, I've got a problem with my cascading dropdown. When I select a value on the first table, the values displayed on the second table are not correct. I can send access by conversation. Best Regards
  7. C

    Problem Javascript : Cannot read property 'getElement' of null

    Hello, On my website which worked well, I've got this now when I'm searching in a fabrik list : list.js:3 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getElement' of null at Object.setItemTemplate (list.js:3) at Object.e.extend.$owner ( Have you got an idea ? Joomla : 3.7.5 Fabrik : 3.7 Best...
  8. C

    Button Geocode doesn't work

    Hello, My button Geocode from plugin Google maps doesn't work. I'm using Fabrik : 3.5.2 and last plugin What's wrong ? Best Regards
  9. C

    Problem with using module list

    Hello, I'm using module list : when I fullfill a filter and lauch the research, I've got an error : invalid controller. What's wrong ? Best Regards
  10. C

    Photo and group lightbox

    Hello, I've got five elements of type fileupload. These are five photos. They display on the detail view reduced and there are links to display then in a lightbox. I want to attach them : to see next and prev on the lightbox (with rel=name of the group I think). How can I do that ? Best Regards
  11. C

    Ordering Filter Dropdown

    Hello, I've got a dropdown element. This element is a filter. I've set ordering by wording (not value) but the filter is disordered. What's wrong ? Fabrik : 3.5.1 Best Regards
  12. C

    Pagination doesn't work on frontend

    Hello, I've got a problem on frontend. No links for pagination is working. When I click, the page stays on first pagination. I'm using : Joomla 3.6.5, Fabrik : 3.5.1 I've got no error in firebug. Could you help me ? Best Regards
  13. C

    Search mode advanced by default

    Hello, Is it possible to change the value by default in search mode advanced : instead of all, i'd prefer any ? Best Regards
  14. C

    List empty at first

    Hello, Is it possible to have a list empty at first and not filled ? Then list would be filled when filters are selected. Best Regards
  15. C

    Fabrik is undefined

    Hello, I've updated my website with Fabrik 3.5. Joomla is : 3.5.1 I've got this javascript error on list frontend : Fabrik is undefined on slimbox2.js (components/com_fabrik/libs/slimbox2/js) from this code : require(['fab/fabrik'], function (Fabrik) {...
  16. C

    Problem with search list in article

    Hello, I'm using Fabrik 3.4.3 on Joomla 3.4.8. With the Fabrik list template "div", I've got a problem. I'm using the view list in an article (with the plugin content). It's ok. When I'm using filters (displayed above the original list) to display part of the list. After searching, the results...
  17. C

    Changed Display and filters doesn't work anymore

    Hello, I've changed default.php and default_row.php from list bootstrap view. And then now, filters and paging don't work. I've changed default.php to remove table. This the code result : <div class="fabrikDataContainer"> <?php foreach ($this->pluginBeforeList as $c) : echo $c...
  18. C

    Question about fill a field automatically

    Hello, I want to fill a field from a table automatically : the rule is that the value is different according to the form menu related to the table. I've got two form menus pointing to the same table : one form menu will give one value for this field and the second one another value. The field...
  19. C

    Help for tables deleted

    Hello I've made a huge mistake. I've deleted two tables via my phpmyadmin.These tables were lists from Fabrik. I've got all lists and elements from Fabrik but no more tables in database. How can I create then again? Best Regards
  20. C

    Unable to load Database Driver: mysqli_fab

    Hello, After migrating a website from 2.5 to joomla 3, I've update Fabrik with package 3.2 for Joomla 3. I've got this message opening Fabrik in backend : Unable to load Database Driver: mysqli_fab Have you got an idea ? Best Regards
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