Changed Display and filters doesn't work anymore



I've changed default.php and default_row.php from list bootstrap view.
And then now, filters and paging don't work.

I've changed default.php to remove table. This the code result :
<div class="fabrikDataContainer">

<?php foreach ($this->pluginBeforeList as $c) :
echo $c;

<?php echo $this->nav;?>


$gCounter = 0;
foreach ($this->rows as $groupedBy => $group) :

foreach ($group as $this->_row) :
echo $this->loadTemplate('row');

<?php print_r($this->hiddenFields);?>

And I've changed default_row.php :
<div id="<?php echo $this->_row->id;?>" class="<?php echo $this->_row->class;?> row-fluid clearfix">
if ($this->formid == "listform_1_com_content_1") {
$style = empty($this->cellClass[$heading]['style']) ? '' : 'style="'.$this->cellClass[$heading]['style'].'"';
echo "<div class='titre_annuaire span12'><h3>".@$this->_row->data->associations___nom."</h3></div>";
echo "<div class='ens_data span12'>";
echo "<div class='ens_data_col1'>";
if (@$this->_row->data->associations___photo1 != "")
echo "<div>".@$this->_row->data->associations___photo1."</div>";
if (trim(strtolower(@$this->_row->data->associations___categorie)) == "culture")
echo "<div><img src='/images/annuaires/logo_culture.jpg'></div>";
if (trim(strtolower(@$this->_row->data->associations___categorie)) == "loisirs")
echo "<div><img src='/images/annuaires/logo_loisirs.jpg'></div>";
if (trim(strtolower(@$this->_row->data->associations___categorie)) == "sport")
echo "<div><img src='/images/annuaires/logo_sport.jpg'></div>";
if (trim(strtolower(@$this->_row->data->associations___categorie)) == "vie citoyenne")
echo "<div><img src='/images/annuaires/logo_viecitoyenne.jpg'></div>";
echo "</div>";
echo "<div class='ens_data_col2'>";
if (@$this->_row->data->associations___categorie != "")
echo "<div><strong>Cat?gorie : </strong> ".@$this->_row->data->associations___categorie."</div>";
if (@$this->_row->data->associations___cible != "")
echo "<div><strong>Cible : </strong> ".@$this->_row->data->associations___cible."</div>";
if (@$this->_row->data->associations___contact != "")
echo "<div><strong>Contact : </strong> ".@$this->_row->data->associations___contact."</div>";
if (@$this->_row->data->associations___mail != "")
echo "<div><a href='mailto:".@$this->_row->data->associations___mail."'>".@$this->_row->data->associations___mail."</a></div>";
echo "<div><a href='".@$this->_row->data->fabrik_view_url."'>En savoir plus</a></div>";
echo "</div>";
echo "</div>";

What's wrong with that ?

Best regards
If you don't want the HTML table you can use a copy of the div template to create your own list template.
For filters and navigation you have to keep the "Fabrik structure", especially if you are using ajaxfied lists or lists via content plugin.

I can't see any filters included in your default.php
But it's really hard to see anything if you post it this way (there's a "code" button in the editor)
Well, you've removed a lot more than just the tab;e formatting. You've removed the form that allows everything like filters and navigation to work, and as far as I can tell, you've removed the display of the filters.

This kind of custom coding is outside the scope of subscription support.

-- hugh
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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