60 seconds to save a record


New Member
Hi guys,

I am running into a problem where saving a form in the front-end takes about 60+ seconds. Same latency applies consistently across all forms saved in the the front-end.

Strangely, this only happens when the form is accessed from the front-end via the Internet. It works fine over LAN (for both front-end and back-end) AND over the Internet (for back-end only).

I looked at the HTTP header (using Chrome Developer Tools) of both the scenarios and I could only spot the following differences:

Scenario 1 - Front-end via Internet

Scenario 2 - Back-end via Internet

Version Info
Joomla - 3.3.1
Apache - 2.4.7
PHP - 5.5.9
Fabrik - 3.2 (released 12/8/2014)

Appreciate if someone could show me where I should look into. Thank you.

Can someone be kind enough give some pointers where should I look into? Is this not Fabrik related or just Apache problem?

thank you.
I'm no specialist but if it's ok in your LAN it doesn't seem to be Fabrik specific.
Can you enable Joomla debug an see if this will give you some more information?

Is you server running any mod_security or rewrite rules affecting only external access?
I agree with Troester. If it's submitting OK locally, it's almost certainly not a Fabrik issue. I've never seen this issue before, with such a radical difference between intranet and internet access. The fact that it works OK on the backend via Internet also suggests there is something going on with your J! routing / URL rewriting.

One thing to try is run Firefox with Firebug, and look at the Net tab when you submit. That will sometimes give you a clue, like spotting if there is a redirect loop, or some such.

If you use htaccess based SEF, you might try turning that off, temporarily removing your htaccess file, and access to the form through the full (non SEF'ed) URL. If that works, it would at least narrow the problem down.

-- hugh
Just FYI, I've committed some changes recently to enable profiling of a submission, and quite a few profiler checkpoints are now scattered throughout the submission handling, so any obvious bottlenecks should show up.

To use this, you'll need to update from github, make sure fabrik debugging is enabled (in our global options, button top right of any top level Fabrik backend page), enable J!'s debugging (Global settings, system (I think)), then append &fabrikdebug=2 to the form's URL (or ?fabrikdebug=2, if you have SEF links and this is the first query string arg).

This will cause Fabrik to bypass any and all redirects after the form is submitted, and go to an otherwise empty J! page, with some Fabrik debug stuff at the top. At the bottom will be J!'s normal debug info, including the Profile section, which will now show the timing marks for each step in the Fabrik submission process.

This should show you whether the big jump in elapsed time is inside Fabrik's code, or elsewhere.

-- hugh
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