adding new groups


Active Member
could you take a look at:

and click the 'certifications' tab and try to add a new group (blue+).

no js error.

this could be similar to an issue i'm having with the tabs on the native joomla create article component that could possibly be related to the template (nano from yootheme) and it not loading bootstrap.js correctly. if that's the case let me know so i can hound them (they say it's a 3rd party plugin... yeah, right).

it DOES work in protostar... so most likely a theme thing... appreciate you taking a look though if you don't mind.
Hi Barry

Worked ok for me in chrome - I could add additional repeating groups with the blue + button
looks like i it is working only if the screen is very very wide (you may have a nice big monitor...). make the screen narrower and the 'add option' tip goes to 2 lines which makes it appear on top of the blue plus and then you can't click on it (at least thats what i think is happening).
not sure I can do anything related to the css / tips stuff. So could you try just removing the tip text, so in components/com_fabrik/views/form/tmpl/bootstrap/default_repeatgroup_row.php replace

$add = FabrikHelperHTML::image('plus.png', 'form', $this->tmpl, array('class' => 'fabrikTip tip-small', 'title' => JText::_('COM_FABRIK_ADD_GROUP')));


$add = FabrikHelperHTML::image('plus.png', 'form', $this->tmpl);

If that work's I'll commit it as a general fix[/php]
Alternatively, we could change the language, in ./components/com_fabrik/language/xx-XX/xx-XX.com_fabrik.ini, to:


... and likewise for COM_FABRIK_DELETE_GROUP, which prevents the tip from breaking on to two lines. Tested this, works on my site.

rob - which solution would you prefer?

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