Ajax list refresh issue with cascadingdropdown


New Member

I?m facing an issue with the ajax refresh function in list view.
I have two dropdown list filters, one as as a databasejoin, the second as a cascadingdropdown.
The dropdown lists are working fine except when reselecting ? All ? after a filtering on the first dropdown.
Then the ajax wheel keeps on spinning for ever.
If the second dropdown list is not activated, everything works fine.
Any help to sort this issue out would be appreciated.

- Fabrikar latest version
- Joomla 3.4.5
- Independant from template (issue appears also with Protostar)

Thanks in advance
I can see why it's happening ... but not the why of why ...

We have this test in the AJAX complete for the CDD filtering ...

            if ((json.length === 1 && json[0].value === '') === false) {

... which means that if the 'please select' value of the CDD is an empty string, endAjax() doesn't get called, which is what removes the spinner. Note that this is purely cosmetic - the filters are updated and are usable, it's just that the spinner icon doesn't get hidden.

And I have no idea why that test is there. I've asked Rob, waiting for a reply.

Meanwhile, I've applied a workaround to the PHP, in this commit:


... so if you set your CDD's "Please select value" to something other than nothing, like 0, the spinner will get removed.

-- hugh
There is another issue I'm facing with this configuration (two dropdown lists, one as as a databasejoin, the second as a cascadingdropdown):
If you filter with the first dropdown and the second (sub-filter), if you then reselect another choice (or the "All" option) in the first dropdown list, the filtering is not working and returns an empty list...
Any idea about it?
Am I doing something wrong?

Hello again,
Following my previous message, it appears that a second selection in the first dropdown list is working while the first returns an empty list...
I also discovered that with the workaround you suggested (regarding the spinner not stoping) the clear filter button is not working anymore (returning an empty list). I'm stucked with this setup and can't get it working smooth.
Thank you for your help.
I applied some more fixes to list filtering with CDD a day or two ago. Try updating from github again.

If that doesn't work, I'll need to log in and see the page. But you'll still be at the end of a queue of support requests from Standard / Pro subscribers, so it'll be at least a day or two before I can get to it (assuming no more intractable issues arise between now and then).

-- hugh
I applied the fixes from Github.
The clear filter button is working again but the CDD filter is not working anymore...
I'm prepared to subscribe to support to get those issues sorted rapidly.
Thank you.

Just FYI, I can't replicate your issue ...


Ignore the new "chosen" style, that's something I'm working on. But that doesn't affect the basic functionality, and as you can see, the CDD updates fine.

So I'll need to access your page.

-- hugh

Any news regarding the CDD filtering issues?
The screencast does not show any elements in the list and therefore the issue does not appear.
I have set up a basic test site where you can see the problem.
The first filter is working OK but the the CDD filtering is not applied to the list.
Access codes are in my profile.
I really hope to get it sorted out.

Best regards,
The CDD filtering is back. Thank you.
But I can't get rid of the ajax wheel issue anymore... (on the first DDL)
Can you have a look please? (I have updated the test site with the latest code).
Ideally, I would like to avoid using "Please select" and stay with "All" in the DDL's.
PS: I confirmed my subscription. ;-)
Oh, never mind, I re-read the thread. Helps if you can be more specific when re-visiting an issue from waaaay earlier in a thread, to save me having to go back through the whole thread looking for clues.

-- hugh
You can see it on the CDD test site (see my profile) if you play with the first DDL.
If you select "All" after having selected one of the list element, the spinning wheel of death appears.
OK, should be fixed in this commit:


I've commented out some stuff I didn't understand in the CDD's filter JS, which I don't think needs to be there, to do with firing off the initial update on page load on a 500ms periodical timer. A side effect of that was the "spinner not going away after resetting to All" thing.

Anyway ... let me know if a) this fixes it, and b) if you notice any new odd behavior.

-- hugh
I applied the commit.
The spinner issue is gone... but now the CDD filtering is not working anymore :-(
Error message in the console: "CascadeFilter is not defined"
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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