Ajax showing ghosts on google map vizualization


New Member
Hello, need some help here. I have a list that has a GIS field in it that we update with a person's location throughout the day and display on a fabrik google map visualization. Everything works great until the GIS data changes and the ajax refresh puts an additional marker on the map without removing the old marker, so you end up with multiple markers for the same person even though there is only one record in the table (list). If you refresh the page everything clears out until the data changes again, if you see what I mean...

Any ideas?
How are you updating the GIS data in the table? Is it through Fabrik, i.e. submitting the form for that list, or is it done outside of Fabrik (like directly accessing the underlying table)?

I just tested, and our code seems to be doing what it should do, and works OK on my test setup(s).

The only thing I can think of is that there is some kind of query caching issue. So if yu are updating the table outside of Fabrik, you might try disabling query caching on that list (under Advanced settings).

if that doesn't work, I'd need to see the page, and you'd need to have fabrik debug enabled so I can load the non-minified JS.

-- hugh
Hi Hugh:

Thanks for the response. We have an app that periodically updates the table. i turned the list cashing off and tried updating the location via the fabrik form, here is the video:

We can survive with the ajax updates, however it would be a cool feature if it was fixable...

Open to next steps after you review the video..whoops link to follow as I need more posts
Hi Hugh:

The difference in your video is that you reload the map after the change. i agree that works just fine. The challenge I am having is when the map page is refreshing using ajax and the data changes. It does update the map with a new data point, which is great, but it leaves the old data point on there so it looks like 2 people on the map instead of one with an updated GIS location.

I will fill out the my sites info..
OK I can not add a site to mysites in the profile. BTW I subscribed to standard support but I can't post in the standard support forum only this community forum...
did you try to log out, clear browser cache and log in again?

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The difference in your video is that you reload the map after the change. i agree that works just fine. The challenge I am having is when the map page is refreshing using ajax and the data changes.

Nope, I didn't manually reload it. It just happened to do an AJAX reload just as I switched back to that tab. It's definitely working in AJAX mode. I can modify the form data in another tab or window, and on the next AJAX refresh, the viz will pick up the new data, and leave no "ghosts" laying around.

I've re-saved your user details in the forums, try accessing the forum again.

I'll be around this evening (Fri), catch me on Skype if you want. I'm 'cheesegrits', hugh dot messenger at gmail dot com.

-- hugh
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