Anti-Spam Validation Rule

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Hi - could someone please post a working validation rule that would eliminate form spamming? I would simply like to validate against "href" and that should do the job.

I don't understand the complicated language of ereg() - and hopefully it would be useful to many users if there was a validation available for:

Validation Rule: is not html

Validation Expression (uses ereg()): ?

Validation Class: ?

Thanks so much for the wonderful script.
I'll get to this as soon as I'm done with the forum migration issues. Yours was actually the first post on the new vBulletin forums.

-- hugh
Thanks very much - good luck on the migration.

Btw, the spamming of Joomla form components may soon become epidemic. We have two very low trafficked websites that are being inundated.

So Fabrik should have a huge "leg up" on the competition with the validation - as CAPTCHA and other forms of turing are not viewed as "best practices".

Obviously, when you're requesting that someone take the time out to complete a form, you shouldn't make them jump through any additional hoops to provide you with that valuable info :)
a really simple rule to block any html tag is


captcha element types are done, for release in fabrik 2.0b, In the meantime you can also ask people a question like "what is 7 + 2" and test if the entered data is "9"
Yeah, I've been kind of waiting for the spam floodgates to open on Fabrik forms. Doesn't seem to have happened yet, mostly because Fabrik forms by nature vary wildly from site to site, and spambot writers are typically looking for 'standard' formats of forms. But any form with an element named 'email' and one or more textareas is likely to get victimized.

I'm seriously considering implementing an optional Akismet submission filter. Although originally developed for blog comments, it is just as suited to forum posts or form submissions.

The way I'd see it working would be as an overall option on the form ("Use Akismet filter"), and individual options on elements ("Use as Akismet content"), to designate which element(s) you wish to run through Akismet.

The main problem is what to do about rejected submissions. It's easy enough to bounce the form submission with a "Rejected as spam" message. The problem is if it is a false positive. Need to work out some generic way of providing moderation of submissions.

So don't hold your breath, but it's certainly on my radar.

-- hugh
Fabrik forms also have joomla's spoof checking code in them which i believe should eradicate a lot of the spam that tries to get sent through its forms.
In 2.0 we also have a CAPTCHA plugin available in the downloads section
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