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Autofill is working only One Way

You can set the minimum in the repeat group to 0 to get no entry at all before adding one.
The dbjoin has an Advanced option "Trim empty concats".

Is the column still in the database?
If you have multiple elements using the same DB olumn and you check the " Select elements where you want to drop (delete) the associated database column" on "Empty Trash" on all elements you'll get this error because the column has already be deleted

BTW: It seems your data table has the Joomla prefix. This should only be used for Joomla and extension core tables, not for tables you are creating.

You can set the minimum in the repeat group to 0 to get no entry at all before adding one.
The dbjoin has an Advanced option "Trim empty concats".

I did that, in the Related Applicant group I set the max to 0
also in the element of the IRCC number which is a datjoin; I set in Advanced option "Trim empty concats".

As a result now when I save or create new record, the Related applicants shows twice. and my goal is showing nothing there if there is no entry :(

double entries.PNG

I check under the tab and it says no data.



Is the column still in the database?
If you have multiple elements using the same DB olumn and you check the " Select elements where you want to drop (delete) the associated database column" on "Empty Trash" on all elements you'll get this error because the column has already be deleted

What I did is I deleted from the group, then I selected the status to Trashed. and when I try to empty trash them I got the message: 1091 Can't DROP 'related_first_name'; check that column/key exists SQL=ALTER TABLE `#__rds_refugee` DROP `related_first_name`

I checked my database with MyPhpAdmin, and under that table, I saw the 3 columns are still there.


Thank you so much.
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I just did a clean restore to check if its going to work, but still the issue above: is the same:
I did that, in the Related Applicant group I set the max to 0
also in the element of the IRCC number which is a datjoin; I set in Advanced option "Trim empty concats".

As a result now when I save or create new record, the Related applicants shows twice. and my goal is showing nothing there if there is no entry :(

I check under the tab and it says no data.

2) the issue of the drop elements is still there.

3) One way issue is still there:
So I created new record: Jasmin. then I added johns under the Related Applicant:

Saved and close:
Now I opened John's record, and there is no data under the Related Applicant.
But as before there is (1) in the refugee list that shows there is a join file, if I click on that I can see John's profile. but there is nothing under the Related Applicant.

Please kindly help.
We are not sure why the entries some times duplicated in the list view. even though we did not add any data into the Related Applicant.

Is that a bug?

I'm not able to launch my site because of this issue. is that possible to look into this, and why it doesnt work.

Thank you so much :)
Existing records will still show a repeat entry (repeat min=0 is only affecting new ones).
Do you have multiple joins? Set "merge rows and reduce data" in list settings (Data/Joins)
Existing records will still show a repeat entry (repeat min=0 is only affecting new ones).

Yes, all the following records are new, the issue show on old and NEW entries, and also when we try to Edit a record for example, adding phone number and the we hit save, it shows double, please see the snapshot.


Do you have multiple joins? Set "merge rows and reduce data" in list settings (Data/Joins)

Yes we do have: merge rows and reduce data


Please kindly would you mind to look into this, and also whey is still working only one way. as it doesn't show the related applicant automatically to the one I have join.

Thank you again for all you help :
So I have tried all the options and I saved the list:
Display modes:
  • Each row separately
  • Merge rows
  • Merge rows and reduce data
Then each time I save the list.
Then I create new records after saving the display mode with each option up.
still getting the same issue:
So all here are new records:
I can't check anything because list and element are checked out by superadmin.

and also whey is still working only one way
If you want it in both directions you must use a many-to-many relation with a linking table (see posts #2 and #9)
Ok, it seems a dbjoin "concat label" of "no" record is not working with "merge and reduce data".
It working as expected if you remove all concat and use only the label.

You get two of these "empty" entries because these records have two family members (with 3 family members you would get 3 "empty" entries).

And it's working "both ways": if you add a "related applicant" the applicant's record will show this refugee as related data (you'll see View(1))
so I used this:
{thistable}.rds_xrgee_first_name,{thistable}.rds_xrugee_last_name, ' ',{thistable}.rds_xrugee_cic_files_number

Now it does not show anything under the list. SOLVED.

BUT the problem is:
this is how it shows:
John Smith G505154244

It should shows as: Related Applicant: John Smith, File number: G505154244

So by looking at it: First Name Last Name File number.

As now I'm looking to link another tab with the same method many-to-many.
But this list will have:
First Name, Last Name, Phone number, Email address.
so basically if I do not use the concat label, the data will show as:

Marc Thomas 4515458987 marc.th@yahoo.com

instead it should shows as: Name: Marc Thomas, Phone: 4515458987, Email: marc.th@yahoo.com
Which is more understanding when we look at it.

please, please can you help to solve this issue.
Here is the actual info that I will be adding and joining a Co-Sponsor table that will be linked with the following info that needs to be shows:

Co-Sponsor Full Name
Email Address
Phone Number
Cell Phone
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Try a concat label without , inside the additional text strings (I think this is breaking the "trim empty"), use e.g. ; instead

'Firstname: ',{thistable}.rds_xrgee_first_name,'; Lastname: ',{thistable}.rds_xrugee_last_name, ' ',{thistable}.rds_xrugee_cic_files_number
Hi Troester,

This is perfect, now it works as expected, thank you so much.
when I show the city, it shows as:
City: 1

How I can show the city name instead the city id:1

I have another list called: mexsd_er_cities
and the element for city name is: er_city

not sure how to call the city name based on the id stored on the current repeated group.

Again, thank you so much for standing by my issues and help me.
God bless.