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Broken details view: 500 internal server error


New Member

I seem to have messed something up on my site. Detail views (Mag glass click in table) now give 500 Internal server error from both of my tables/lists (previously working just fine).

I honestly can't be sure when this broke and what I might have done to make it so.

When messing around trying to get map markers to work:
? I rebuilt php via apache to include GD library
? Cloned tmpl folders from one of the public_html/components/com_fabrik/views/ subfolders (can't remember which one had it) so that all 4 view subfolders had a bootstrap subfolder
? Made an images subfolder under each of the above listed boostrap folders with my map markers in them (now removed)
? Other settings in the Fabrik backend... but it's a bit of blur to remember what I might have changed to cause this

I just reinstalled the Fabrik (without deleting the existing installation) but it hasn't fixed anything.

Would rather not have to uninstall Fabrik and build over, especially since if this happens again, and site is more advanced, I need to be able to fix it.

And yes, bad on me, backup system not yet set up/used :)

? Table list page link
? Detail view from list link

Assistance would greatly appreciated!


I get 'site offline' for the list link, so I don't know why it is trying to access anything at all via the form link in this case.
Is it the same if your site is online?
Can you try with SEF off in Joomla configuration?
Did you clear Joomla cache?

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Hi -- thanks for getting back to me.

1. Site is currently "Offline" since it's under development and I don't want anyone in there (will be access restricted due to sensitivity of data). You can login with admin username provided for the site in my profile. Site has been this way for a while in "Offline mode" and detail views were working perfectly until late yesterday.

2. Joomla SEF is off

3. Joomla (site and admin) and browser caches cleared repeately

Please let me know if you have other ideas -- would really hate to have to flush the site and start over... especially since I don't know how it happened (how I must have done it) and would be afraid to build back up again.


The links in your post are SEF links.
Do you have 'hardcoded' SEF links (e.g. custom link to detail) and then turned SEF off?

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You're right - SEF was on but I turned it off a couple minutes ago.

No Custom detail URL's... was actually trying to play with that as a workaround.

URL's looks like they should work... which is why I'm wondering if maybe I broke the template or something?

Also... I overwrite the source MYSQL db's from another source (program that processes data and uploads) -- but I don't change the renamed table columns and don't currently have any joins (since they add columns to my core MYSQL table and I haven't figured out how to deal with that. This hasn't affected display of details view in the past though...

source table URL looks like this:

details view for the first element in that table looks like this:

I also tried disabling RT's Active Menu Menu ID (the ItemID=XXX) with same result / no effect.

I even toggled over to the default joomla protostar template in case it was an RT problem, and same exact thing...
I can't login on the backend with the credentials in your My Sites, I just get "Username and password do not match or you do not have an account yet."

-- hugh

Hi Hugh -- I started over. Will update credentials now. This issue is... despite remaining a mystery... no longer a problem. New site replicated on protostar without RT complications... so far so good.
OK. Sorry I couldn't get to this sooner, it was probably something relatively simple.

Just FYI, it is really worth using something like Akeeba, and doing regular backups of your site, especially when making lots of changes when you aren't entirely sure what you are doing. Then if things do go seriously wobbly, you can just back out to the last backup, and try again!

Even I've been know to have "accidents" when making changes. So when I work with clients, "hands on" on their sites, I pretty much insist that's how we work. Before I make any significant changes, they do a full Akeeba site backup. That way, if I do trash their site ... we're covered!

-- hugh