bug: form plugins


Some Form plugins is probably, looking up full element name. I notice in Upsert & Colne. These were belong to onAfterprocess.
Clone line 59-68 : $formModel->fullFormData['rowid']; ???
Upsert line 113 : $upsert = json_decode($params->get('upsert_fields')); ???
I m not sure....
Debug: after push submission button.
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 1
[list_id] => 0
[element_id] => 20
[join_from_table] => ODRP
[table_join] => #__users
[table_key] => user
[table_join_key] => id
[join_type] => left
[group_id] => 1
[params] => {"join-label":"name","type":"element","pk":"`#__users`.`id`"}
[canUse] => 1
[table_join_alias] => ku7kt_users
[keytable] => ODRP


[ODRP___id] => Array <---- Specified to "tablename___elementname " Is this no problem?
( The value of element has gone to somewhere.......
[0] => Array


[ODRP___batch_id] => Array
[0] => Array


[ODRP___date_created] => Array
[0] => Array


[ODRP___date_modified] => Array
[0] => Array
The symptoms with ColneFormPlugin, it can not get the value for batchid to the mysql. I made for a batchid, and I set it to call from it. And then I get them to work on submission form, a white page only displays. Upsert also was white page, regardless of setting.
$clone_times = $formModel->formData[$element->name]; is there.... so it might be get only element name.
When I only set the option of batchid, this make a trouble, but unset it to nothing, the clone has made.
So, what can I do anything for this issue.
To: rob & chee
clone.php line60
(right) $ielement = $id_elementModel->getElement(true);
(wrong) $id_element = $id_elementModel->getElement(true);

maybe miss type .
Not sure what you mean.
There's no $ielement in clone.php (nor defined nor referenced).
oops I was mistyped.
:eek: $id_element = $id_elementModel
:) $id_element = elementModel
I rewrite as this on line60, Then clone.php worked.
Thank you troester,
This feature is also my favorate. I m going to be custom of mine with adding some codes.
Just FYI, looks like that's still a booboo, as the $ is now missing from elementModel in that commit.

-- hugh
THANS FOR REPLAY CHEE. I am researching this plugin as using self join elements , However this is really complex schema :oops:
Anyway I m looking forward to accomplish clone plugin in someday.
thank you.
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