Bug when hovering obligatory Element description


New Member
When I make a mouseover of a obligatory element, e.g.
<label for="pdd_testlauf___AbschnittA_Item01" class="fabrikLabel control-label fabrikTip" opts="{&quot;formTip&quot;:true,&quot;position&quot;:&quot;top-left&quot;,&quot;trigger&quot;:&quot;hover&quot;,&quot;notice&quot;:true,&quot;heading&quot;:&quot;Hinweis&quot;}" data-original-title="" title=""><i class="icon- small "></i> MY DESCRIPTION</label>

above the description shows the notice that this is a mandatory field (like it should).

But when I move the mouse away from the field, the decription disappears. I think it is a bug. I've tracked it down that the mouseover adds the style "display: none;" like this:

<label for="pdd_testlauf___AbschnittA_Item01" class="fabrikLabel control-label fabrikTip" opts="{&quot;formTip&quot;:true,&quot;position&quot;:&quot;top-left&quot;,&quot;trigger&quot;:&quot;hover&quot;,&quot;notice&quot;:true,&quot;heading&quot;:&quot;Hinweis&quot;}" data-original-title="" title="" style="display: none;"><i class="icon- small "></i> MY DESCRIPTION</label>

I don't think this behaviour is intended. An option in the backend to not show any notice at all would help. Or may be it can be fixed. Sadly I don't know which file to edit, as it seems there is no CSS file responsible for this behaviour.
I thinks that's the expected behaviour.
Mouse on label ->show tip, mouse out-> hide tip
Or do you mean something else?
I meant something else. The behaviour for the tip is expected. But the label description ("MY DESCRIPTION") ALSO disappears :(
So clarify the wrong bevahiour:

Step 01

Step 2 (Mouseover)

Step 3 (No more mouseover)
This seems to be an issue with your Joomla template overriding Joomla's BS2.
There are several old threads reporting this with templates using T3 framework.

Which Joomla template are you using?
Did you try with Joomla's Protostar?
I'm using a T3 based template indeed. So, no workaround then?
How about an option to now show any tip at all?
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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