BUGS: Tag element

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1. When I try to add a new record the tag element is not empty.
It displays all records returned from the query ?SELECT DISTINCT(t.id) AS value,`title` AS text FROM `table1_repeat_tags` AS `table1_repeat_tags` LEFT JOIN jos_tags AS t ON t.id = `table1_repeat_tags`.`tags`?
The query can be seen with fabrikdebug=1 in the section ?tagsdatabasejoin element: get options query?

2. Maybe it is related with the message ?Warning: array_combine(): Both parameters should have an equal number of elements in ?/plugins/fabrik_element/tags/tags.php on line 412? that I get when I am in a list that contains a tag element.

3. The query in 1 always returns one row with null values for ?value? and ?text? columns

Can someone please confirm specially the first bug?

(using latest Fabrik from Github 25/8/2015 and Joomla 3.4.3)
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