Can not get autofill to work


New Member
I have 3 autofill plugins on a single form. I can not get any of them to work. When I change the dropdown the page does a look up but the fields are never updated with the correct values.

You will need a login in order to see the form and can sign up for a free shipper account to see this form.

Here is one of them on my form....
Screen Shot 2017-04-05 at 9.30.05 AM.png

Here is the form plugin configuration.
Screen Shot 2017-04-05 at 9.31.52 AM.png

Here are the elements for that part of the form.
Screen Shot 2017-04-05 at 9.33.04 AM.png

And the elements in the address book table the data should be pulled from.
Screen Shot 2017-04-05 at 9.34.02 AM.png

I've gone over this a few times and can't seem to figure out what I am missing. Any help would be appreciated! Thank you.
Can you add a front end login that works for me? As in, a "shipper", that has address book entries, so I can trigger a fill. The login I have isn't a Shipper, so a) it doesn't have access to some of the elements, and has no addresses to choose from.

-- hugh
I setup your user to have what you need to test. Here is a little on how the site works...

User signs up to be a shipper.

Shippers can add shipping destinations to their address book to send to and from

Shippers can add their carriers to the carrier address book to select who to send a quote request

Shippers can add shipping pallet details to the pallet database

Shippers then create a Bid Request by selecting the pallet from a drop down list (join to pallet database) which auto fills the details of the form, the origination and destination addresses (join to address book database) and the shippers they want to get a bid from (from the shipper address book) from the multi-select box.

Shippers selected from the carrier multi-select box then receive an email with the bid request via email.

* All three drop downs need to auto fill in details in their respective group. In some cases the shipper can repeat the destination group if they are shipping 2 pallets but each one is going to a different destination. So hopefully that won't cause a problem having more than one autofill on a form or more than one in a group.
Autofill in repeat groups is fragile. It's something I've been working on a for a while, and iirc it was working last time I had a go at it, but I haven't tried for a while.

However, the existing (non-repeated) Address Book autofill on your site is now working. Your JSON for the map was malformed, you had a line break in there.

The first thing to do if an autofill doesn't work is copy your map JSON, paste it into ...

... and validate it.

-- hugh
Awesome, and thanks for the tip. One last question regarding the auto fill, The drop down join used to select the address from the address book seems to default back to "Please Select" after the form auto fills. Is there any way to have that drop down stick with the option selected? I need to write this value to the database as well.
Looks like you are including the Name join element you use as the FK / trigger in the value map. Just remove it from the JSON map, and it should be fine.

No need to include it, as (by definition) it doesn't need setting (you set it by selecting it), and although it might usually work, I think the value it's getting back in the map includes a details link wrapped around the value, which is messing it up when it tries to set that value.

"One of these days" I'm going to look at replacing that JSON string setting with a popup that lets you choose the the element mapping from dropdowns.

-- hugh
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