check users and template


New Member
Hi rob,
After a long time I came back to use Fabrik.
I send you my compliment.
I am experiencing to use the function upload image, it's perfect.
May be I am near the goal, may be...
Just two answer!
1) In my date i use a code to bind the customer to the agent es. pippo is of 600 (600 = code agent).
I would like to do a selection of manner that the user 600 can see alone the contents of the fields Agent= 600. The administrator instead should see all.

How it is possible to do this with Fabrik?
My database is on Mysql on whose Fabrik is working perfectly.
I should plan such order in Mysql? How?

2) I've some problem to fix all date in a webpage, Do you have some template to help me ?
How can I change the used template?
Thanks a lot
First off, which version of Fabrik is this?

Second, I'm having problems understanding what you need. What is your first language? Depending on the language, we may have members who can help translate your questions into clearer English.

Please don't take offense - personally I don't speak anything other than English, and I admire anyone who takes the time and trouble to learn a foreign language. It's just that when dealing with complex subject matter like Fabrik support, precise use of language becomes very important.

-- hugh
Ok, :) my first language is Italian and I'll be you very very grateful if You give me a name and email about an expert in Fabrik in italian language.
really in Italy, I'm sorry but, nobody speak about Fabrik, and this is very bad because your work is very important.
I'll wait your help ...otherwise? I'll try to explain better my self...
I'll see if I can dig up an Italian Fabrik supporter ...

Meanwhile, here's what I think you mean ...

1) The 'agent' is a Joomla user, and you are using their userid (for instance 600) as the agent id. In which case you should just be able to create a table pre-filter in Fabrik, applied to everyone below the Administrator level (so you set the ACL on the filter to "Administrator"), using the agent id element as the selected field, and {my->id} as the value.

2) Really not sure what you mean. Can you explain some more?

-- hugh
my Fabrik is 1.0.61)

The 'agent' is a Joomla user, and you are using their userid (for instance 600) as the field in a Dbase like "AG".
In which case you should just be able to create a table pre-filter in Fabrik, applied to everyone below the Administrator level (so you set the ACL on the filter to "Administrator"), using the agent id element as the selected field, and {my->id} as the value.

Exactly, perfect in this way I don't need to show the code "Agent" in a view and all is just for the administrator to have a global situation.
That's right. How can I do it?

2) I just to study joomla and Fabrik and not how create a web pages.
Now my sito is in just a TEST.
I use Mysql Dbase connected with Fabrik and it's works well.
I'll try to include in a table of my customer documents like Patent / Identiticard etc. Every Customer has more Contracts I'll like to show by a filter the situation of all and each customer...
My secon problem is that the table from fabrik are very large and the web page not like I want!
are there some different template to work better with Fabrik?
I hope to be more clear...
Thanks alot
1) How to do that depends entirely on the "work flow". Who is actually filling out the form? The 'customer' or the 'agent'?

2) The URL you gave me doesn't help much - I have no idea which menu item is the table you are talking about, and the links I've tried seem to require me to be a registered user.

So I need more info ... a direct link to the table you are talking about, and a login. Preferably a superadmin, so I can look at the back end if necessary. PM me the details (do NOT post usernames/passwords in this thread). Please include a link back to this thread in your PM.

-- hugh
Sorry about the delay ... I'd said PM me (Private Message, using the PM system built into these forums), but you emailed me instead ... and the email I use on the forums is a spam-trap account I very rarely use.

I'll take a look as soon as I get some time.

-- hugh
I'm sorry, don't worry I have not urgencies!
But today I add a Filter and is strange because when i select details from the record the new view in detail, it discusses of other name without any connection with the first!!!
Thanks a lot about your video tutorial, it's great... thanks

I'll like make a new form with the all records (Customers and Contracts together) I saw the join but I don't want to touch the table (Customers and Contracts) what I should do?
How is it better to work with mysql connection?

Ps. could you look it and tel me how improve it better?
Thanks a lot
Hi Hugh, first of all, Have you seen my project at the address that I send to you?
It's better to see to what we are thalking about thanks a lot to your disponibility
OK, got your PM, looked at the site.

I don't see any table filters on either CLIENTE or POLIZZE.

You never answered this question:

1) How to do that depends entirely on the "work flow". Who is actually filling out the form? The 'customer' or the 'agent'?

If you can answer that, I can show you how to set this up.

-- hugh
The Agent works with the forms and the user for the agent = Ag in POLIZZE joined with the CLIENTI with codfiscaleid ....but the Ag = 0 is the total administrator and It has to see all the other.

1 Problem: Try to click in a web page on IMPRESA EDILE CIMINI in CLIENTI in the module come MARTINELLI NOVELLA and not IMPRESA EDILE CIMINI ???' WHY? Inside the proviamo joomla / com_fabrik / viewForm this problem is not present and everithing it's ok

2 Problem: If you click on the POLIZZE in proviamo joomla / com_fabrik / viewTable everithing it's ok but if you click on the "numeropolizza" there is a mistake and the table doesn't work well. And the same in a Web page of POLIZZE if you click on the "numeropolizza" come out a white page and the same on "Dettaglio".
Thanks a lot
And do you have a Template better to work with this kind of date input?
OK, the problem in both cases is almost certainly because of problems with your primary key.

On the POLIZZI table you haven't specified a primary key at all. So neither Fabrik nor MySQL has any way of knowing which record you want when you click on one of them.

On the CLIENTI table you have a PK, but a) it isn't set to auto-increment, and b) you have entries with empty or 0 values in the PK. If you try and submit a new record via a Fabrik form on this table, it's going to try and insert it with a blank or 0 PK, overwriting whatever was in tat row on the table before.

So ... you need to make sure you use an auto-incrementing PK for both tables.

-- hugh
I sent you my new address about my "home page" and your date to go in.
I Make IDCliente and IDPolizza like a primary key and auto-increment and fixed it in fabrik Table Configuration...
For the Cliente Table all is right, for the Polizze table is working well but when I Click on a Detailed compare a different record and not what I want. the same problem then before.
If I work in a internal page on the same table Polizze like administrator:
for example all work properly and very nice. Just a problem with a calendar
I can't insert a date with calendar but by hand to write a date 2008-10-04

If do you have time could'you see it and give me a push up?;D
Use also the mysql I sent you the user and password...
Thanks a lot
You had "Show random records" selected on your Polizzi menu settings. I turned that off, links now bring up the expected record.

Dates seem to work fine for me on both tables, in FF3 and IE7/8. I click on the "...", the calendar widget pops up, I click a date, it fills the field in. I haven't actually submitted a form, as I don't know if it's OK to mess with your data or not. But the widget works, and fills in the field correctly.

-- hugh
thanks a lot now it's ok!:D
Just the problem with a date with my firefox 3.03 doesn't work in administrator module, in web it's working ok!!!

Now I like to change "codicefiscaleid" in POLIZZE with "Cognomenome "From Clienti Table, I need to make a join between the two tables....
For this is it necessary import a new table from Mysql or it's an half to made a group and Form and use the tables POLIZZE and CLIENT in use?

I try to create one more filter with Create table filter for this element in "Data Versamento" and I Need more other filter. but the fabrik tell me "Please select a unique element name"!!! What can I do?

In a top of a web page in Clienti compare the following text:" no image created for /var/www/vhosts/, extension = pdf no image created for /var/www/vhosts/, extension = pdf"
may be some mistake?

Thanks a lot I think that Fabrik is a wanderful software to make easy a lot of work just know how it's work... have nice sunday
thanks a lot now it's ok!:D
Just the problem with a date with my firefox 3.03 doesn't work in administrator module, in web it's working ok!!!

Now I like to change "codicefiscaleid" in POLIZZE with "Cognomenome "From Clienti Table, I need to make a join between the two tables....
For this is it necessary import a new table from Mysql or it's an half to made a group and Form and use the tables POLIZZE and CLIENT in use?

I really don't understand what you need to do. Can you try explaining it in Italian, I'll see if I can get a translation.

I try to create one more filter with Create table filter for this element in "Data Versamento" and I Need more other filter. but the fabrik tell me "Please select a unique element name"!!! What can I do?
Are you trying to set up a table pre-filter using that element?

In a top of a web page in Clienti compare the following text:" no image created for /var/www/vhosts/, extension = pdf no image created for /var/www/vhosts/, extension = pdf"
may be some mistake?
That's a bug, I'll fix it now.

-- hugh
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