checkbox-element and validating

It's not that simple. And honestly, if simple things like saving a global configuration are hosed up, the same underlying problem could be causing other issues.

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Some points I found (I don't know what may be related to what):
  • Fabrik user doesn't have access to the lists used in CDD (Fabrik has no "Administrator" ACL) (Region, Circuit, School)
  • Trying to view data on Baseline (via list or form) in the backend is throwing "504 Gateway Time-out"
  • you have a multipage form + ajax validation + toggle submit + show loader + save part-edited records
  • you have a slider (sometimes such JS is breaking other JS)
  • the errors I've seen are coming from your php validation; I don't know why School is validated at all if selecting Region or Circuit, why it's validated twice and why $data seems to be ")" in case of nothing selected
  • Region is validated, too, several times
I would try to reduce complexity:
no slider
no ajax validation
no toggle submit (no idea if this is conflicting with save part-edited records)
disable validations and element JS, enable one by one
maybe no multipage form at all for testing

and at first get the server problems (504 Gateway, not able to edit options ...) fixed
Hi Hugh, thanks for asking :) well you say it is something wrong in the settings as we cannot save options, etc. the provider says, it is the software and they do not give support but as soon as i am online, the application sends too many database requests and they have to block me. so i am in the middle and somehow have to make it work... took the site now offline and try to find out what the problem can be...
Joomla and Fabrik are database heavy, but not unrealistically so. You can see exactly what the database load is by enabling J! debug.

We do occasionally run across shared hosting environments where the host imposes aggressive resource limits (which is how they squeeze so many sites on each machine) that break J! / Fabrik.

I would suggest you ask them exactly what "too many" is, and to provide you with the profiling logs showing what they consider the problem to be, and what server offerings they have that would raise their imposed limits.


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hi Hugh, unfortunately they are blocking, so i had no other chance than go back offline and undo all validations in order to start from scratch.

what i realize, i have some fields where the validation is no problem at all. but then i have a databasejoin and two cascadingdropdown. the last cascadindropdown needs to be mandatory! so as soon as i create the nonempty-validation, it somehow validates already when i load the form and then shows the field as "validation failed" (as per screenshot). is there something special i must do with the validation of a cascadingdropdown?
thanks again for your assistance
Still thinking on this one. The problem being, CDD's always AJAX load when the form loads, and that process automatically triggers a validation if you have AJAX validations enabled. Surprised we've never run into this before. So I'm trying to figure out the best way of flagging that this is a loading event, and don't need to validate. But that's not entirely trivial.

I'll fix it, it just might be another day or two. The code involved is fairly dense, and used by all elements, so I have to do a lot of regression testing to mae sure I don't break anything else.

-- hugh
thanks troester for your suggestion. yes i thought about that initially when Hugh brought in the possibility to have the "next page" as trigger... (it is a multipage form and the cdd are on the very first page). for some reason i didnt go on with that but might reconsider :)
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